Monthly art review #2 - November 2020

in #artzone4 years ago

Yes, I know...a little late with this one but I've been busy with commissions (sorry!). Anyway, here we go...So, this is where I review my art practice for the last month...

NFT sales:
3 sales this month - all to Basileus_eth (Thank you!!!!)

Despite my best efforts, those are the only sales. I think, when the crypto markets are volatile (like now), buyers hold off. This makes sense - why would you spend Eth today if you think it will be worth more tomorrow? I have been working on lots of new work while I wait for the markets to settle and the collectors to return...

Set fire to the stars sm.jpg 'Set fire to the stars' - a new artwork I've created using
GAN art (see below) and photoshop (not yet available to buy)

New artwork in NOV:
'The Rose - Taxonomica 1' and 'Nocturne No. 3' on NFT showroom. 'Taxonomica' is a new series I am starting, based around my stippled art from back when I was working in an entomology department in a museum. I shall be doing a few more of these over the next few months! And 'Nocturne' is a series I am also adding to slowly.

'Nergal' ('Abstract winged form' series No. 3). on Rarible. Only another couple of these early sculpting design sketches left to produce. They are getting progressively more gothic I feel...

'A distant shore', my first piece on MyBAE. Trying out this platform for the first time with a totally new range of work. 'A distant shore' will be the genesis piece for a small range of animated 'Fragments', which I am currently working on. This project is a new departure for me and a new style to experiment with and explore.

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'Taxonomica 1', 'Nergal' and 'A distant shore'

Social Media:
In November my followers on twitter grew from 381 to 464 and on Rarible from 183 to 254. Thank you! You lovely people keep me going when times are hard and words dont really do justice to this. I spend most days in my loft working on my art alone and just knowing there are people out there who like my work enough to follow me means that absolute world to me!

Art for my collection:
Thanks to Basileus' purchases of my work at the start of the month, I was able to but some lovely creations from Luluxxx, Daniella doodles and Gary Cartlidge this month! I always try to buy some art with my earnings, to support the community (and because I love the artwork so much!).

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DaniellaDoodles, Gary Cartlidge and LuluxXX

Other news:
I have joined in with the Wildcards project to make some art to support their work - I'm very excited as this project aims to raise money for specific wildlife conservation projects around the world. Please go take a look at what they are trying to do - it looks great!

I have worked on several pet portrait commissions this month but I can't show any yet as they are all presents for people and I don't want them to see the work here and have the surprise ruined before Christmas lol.

Recently, I started exploring the world of GAN art (Generative Adversarial Network) using artbreeder. I am very excited about this and will be working on a selection of new fantasy and sci-fi artwork based around some of the images I am creating on there - here's a peek at a couple of images I'm working on...

'Dragon pass', Work in progress

'Shipwreck', Work in progress

This month I have also applied to the KnownOrigin platform, I'm really hoping I get accepted!

Also, for my 1 subscriber at my ko-fi page - a new download. I do these every month for subscribers to my page (only £3 a month) but I have only ever had 1 Sub (sad face)...feel free to join in if you like this sort of treat each month!

Milton Mole sm.jpg
'Milton Mole', Subscriber artwork for my Ko-fi page

Finally, although my art income is tiny atm, I have decided that, from now on, ALL of my art sales and commissions will come with a min. £5 donation from me to a wildlife conservation group (not just specific work, like 'Katinka' and 'From another time' on NFT showroom)!

Hope this is interesting to you - Although I'm mostly writing these reviews for my records, please do let me know if there's anything else you'd like to see in my monthly review!

Thanks for reading!