Удивительный рисунок который нарисовала моя дочь
Сегодня меня удивила моя дочь. Она очень любит рисовать. Но сегодняшний рисунок удивил меня.
На рисунке изображена девочка. Но что то в ее лице меня пугает. Мне показалась она страшной.
А что вы думаете об этом рисунке?
Today, my daughter surprised me. She is very fond of drawing. But today's drawing surprised me.
The figure shows a girl. But something in her face scares me. It seemed to me terrible.
And what do you think about this drawing?
Top post, very beautiful, as beautiful as you, Friend
Thank you so much
Your daughter is very talented and very creative to her artwork.
Thanks a lot my friend. I am pleased to hear that.
Welcome you don't have to say your thank you. it's deserve to have a great comment and appreciation, You have a very talented daughter keep her up to her habits and love.
nice, creative and funny