Franklin D. Roosevelt Died 11y 11m 11d after Making Gold Illegal In the USA

in #astrotheology3 years ago

APX Franklin D Roosevelt Executive Order 6102 Gold illegal.jpg

FDR seems to be one of the major US presidents. No wonder he is still generally known under his acronym - just like JFK. I have highlighted several of his number connections in the past. As a little reminder, I have listed them below again.

However, one of his most important actions as the 32nd US President came right after his first term started: Executive Order 6102, effectively making private ownership of gold illegal in the USA.

Executive Order 6102 by Franklin D Roosevelt making owning Gold illegal in the USA.jpg

Executive Order 6102 is an executive order signed on April 5, 1933, by US President Franklin D. Roosevelt "forbidding the hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States." The executive order was made under the authority of the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, as amended by the Emergency Banking Act in March 1933.

The limitation on gold ownership in the United States was repealed after President Gerald Ford signed a bill legalizing private ownership of gold coins, bars, and certificates by an Act of Congress, [...] which went into effect December 31, 1974.

On May 1, 1933, was the deadline to hand over all privately owned gold to the Federal Reserve Bank and sell it for a fixed price set by the government, which was increased afterwards.

This tied in with the creation of the FED by US President Woodrow Wilson, twenty years prior, which I have also reported about with its curious numbers.

The deadline for owning gold came precisely 1010 weeks after the Federal Reserve Act - another Master Number 11 (all zeros drop in numerology). We are also talking about exact weeks. In fact, I always highlight time numbers of weeks, months and years only when they are exact (either with or without the end date, as time is different around the world). This alone reduces the probability to hit all these numbers I present on my channel massively and begs the question whether these events are accidentally or consciously set on those exact dates.


But even more stunning is the death of FDR and how it connects to the whole gold agenda of his presidency (and let us also not forget how his death also points to various other events with significant numbers, as I have linked above):

FDR died exactly 11 years, 11 months and 11 days after the deadline of his executive order. A triple eleven - how perfect!

From Executive Order 6102 by Franklin D Roosevelt making owning Gold illegal in the USA taking effect to Roosevelts death are 11y 11m 11d 111111  33.PNG

APX Franklin D Roosevelt Executive Order 6102 Gold illegal.jpg