Film Audio - Track Labels, Terms, and Effects Instructor Scribble Notes - Lecture 2

in #audiolast year (edited)

That old beauty of the handwritten notes.

These are my scribbles coming out of "Lecture 2," a discussion on various track labels, terms, and audio effects used in sound editing for video and film.

Track Labels
Guide, PFX, X, M&E, Futz, Narration

Wild Lines, Room Tone

Audio Effects
DeEsser, DeHummer, Treble, Band Pass, Notch Filter

It seems complicated, and is in one way--as someone could study sound forever, but it is also magically simple.

I feel Adobe Audition's Spectral Frequency Display (not noted here) is one of the best ways to look at sound and introduce someone to the most basic concepts.

Scribble on.
Learn on.
"Sound: Speed!"

Be well.
(words and image are original)
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