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RE: Autistic behaviours: Pica! What is it and what to do about it!

in #autism6 years ago

Hi @mumofmany, my daughter has iron deficiencies and she has been on iron medications since birth. Initially on liquid because she cannot swallow. Then moved to tablets. She even had to take B12 jabs to help improve her haemoglobin level. Her level can be as low as 6, a single digit which is dangerous. Initially worried that she has leukaemia but test shows that she is lack of iron. Blood transfusion for her is common as she has to be admitted every other week when she was younger. The only thing i noticed is her finger nails got bitten so badly with her chewing that it recess inwards. Now she has dead Skin on both her thumbs and index fingers. The other fingers are ok. She bit her nails whenver she is nervous or anxious. Never heard of Pica. Maybe she had that when she was young but got better as she gets older. i am learning so much from your post. Thanks for sharing.


Oh your poor little bubba. Sounds like she has been through a lot. Hope she is doing well now. I’m not sure about chewing fingers being related to pica, but I’m not an expert, I would definitely ask ker doctors. It sounds as though her iron issues are under management already so that should stop her from craving non food items that contain iron.
Thanks for your support.

Yes she is much better since coming to AU. She learns to eat lots of vegetables, fruits and i try to give her beetroot every day. Initially she has problem swallowing veg and don't like fruits But her iron, folic, Vit B, B12 and multi Vit are on going daily to maintain her improvement in iron. I ordered her B12 online which she can place under her tongue to dissolve so no more jab for her.
Thank God for looking after her as despite going through 10+ operations she is still a cheerful, bubbly, lovable darling girl.

A true little fighter!