The Chiral Bank of Neoxian: daily contracts: 2018-05-01

in #bank6 years ago

The Bank of Neoxian shall loan the sum of 500 steem to @shivohum2015. He promises to repay 550 steem. He shall pay 55 steem per week until 550 steem is reached. The first payment shall be on May the 12th, 2018.

@shivohum2015 shall hereafter be known as the lendee..
To insure payment of this loan, the lendee promises to hand over their Owner key to the bank. The bank will give back new active and posting keys to the lendee. The lendee affirms that the owner key is given voluntarily and their account is not stolen. They promise not to initiate the Stolen account recovery procedure.
The lendee agrees that if the Bank decides to change the active key and keep it private, this does not constitute of breach of contract.
Lendee also consents to Bank changing the trustee if the Bank so chooses.
Owner key will be returned upon successful completion of loan.

Please sign below...

(pic from


Do you have an evil twin, or are you the twin?

There are 3 pages

Signed on 01-05-2018

good forever man.

steam power whether pinkam in bankofneoxian sir?

I am the twin of myself :D Evil is inside in the same body :D
Congratz for the contract! It's a win win situation for both parties!


Upvoted for use of chiral and example!

success always @neoxian and bank of neoxian, continue your work that benefits both parties transaction, bank of neoxian always be the best in steemit.

Another huge loan contract of the #bankofneoxian. Congratulation @shivohum2015. @neoxian sir I am not a twin.

Every day is a bank account, and time is our currency..

Will there ever be a name like
"The sexy bank of Neoxian"

haha,may be next time !

Hello @neoxian how are you each new client is giving the bank more profit and more prestige so that each day more people ask for loans which are committed to pay the loan under the conditions that the bank has
I do not have a twin, the only twin is me

hi sir @ neoxian.i do not have twin siblings, but i was born with 5 brothers.success for you sir, i hate the bad brother.

I dont have any twin. I am the only child, congrats @shivohum2015.

@neoxian for president!

Cool man 500 steem. Thats big
No I dont have any twin neither I am 😎

Such very beautiful contract
Congart @shivohum2015
I'm twin in mirror @neoxian sir.

Congratulations @shivohum2015 has signed a contract with the official Bank of Neoxian in steemit. The success is all thanks to the struggle @neoxian. High honors to the @neoxian fighter. I do not have twins

congratulations @shivohum2015
lol I have an evil twin, doing crazy things alone and acting innocent before others...

Do you have an evil twin, or are you the twin?

I am both and at the same time none.

Your bank is getting bigger every day.

I am not twin and as far as I know the twins have many similarities in physical form and personality traits

I was twin when in the mirror ... I have brother and sister is and indeed there are some disputes
annoying , but that's the life we have to live and face.

Sir @neoxian can you tell me the way to loan from #bankofneoxian.
I don't have any evil town!!

i can see my twin in mirror ,lol
most people have their twins here on steemit

I don't have any evil twin. Bank of neoxian is now the number one bank. People get instant loan from here which isn't possible in the other banks. Thank a lot sir @neoxian for helping us.

Congratulations @shivohum2015 :)

The Bank of Neoxian shall loan the sum of 500 steem to @shivohum2015.

Lolx! I don't think so that i got any twin in whole career :D :D

No ... I do not have it, I have four brothers but no twins.

Hello @neoxian,

Extraordinary good Steem Bank loan & congratulations. Evil is within myself.


500 Steem! Huge ammount! congratz!
I have angel twin😊

Keep it going buddy !
The Bank rockzz

I don't have an evil twin nor I am.

Why have you chosen these two cards a picture today? Just curious (to understand)... 😊 @peekbit

Your work is always good for this community Sir #neoxian. I have no twin 🙂

Hello @neoxian as you've been ?, excellent contract as always, I really do not get tired of reading your contracts, because I like them because you specify all the terms of the loan and that makes it safer and more reliable for both you and the beneficiary. It should not be easy for you as a bank to trust an anonymous client, but with the terms you write in your contract and making the passwords is safer for you. Well, with respect to your question I do not have an evil twin, in my case I am the twin.

NopE. i've don't twins

That would be great loan contract signed.
Better providing service to steemians by @neoxian.
I've elder brother. Never twin.

I'm my own twin, neoxian.
I complete my evil.

i do not have twin. thanks for @neoxian sir

Evil twin! No No No so evil eh!
I wish I had twin but no evil eh!

Another great success loan from Bank of Neoxian. Well, every morning when I brush my teeth, I did saw the mirror of myself. Consider that the twin too? 😆

no sir don't have twin and thanks God :p

I always wonder about the names of your bank. I think I should make a list.

Congrats to you @shivohum2015. I don't have twin @neoxian. I hv only sister.

Congratulation for the contract

Mayor, I haven't evil twin, just I am

That would be great loan contract signed.i signed and a gree with all rules, but with the terms you write in your contract and making the passwords is safer for you, Well, with respect to your question I do not have an evil twin, in my case I am the twin.

Congrats Really big city of Neoxian...a really huge loan. @neoxian, going places and helping the community

LOL, so we're chiral today. Learned a new word. <3

550 steem :O That's more money than I've earned in my full lifetime.

I am an only twin. I wish I had a twin.

Signed too sir.. i am not have brother twin.. but i like is i have..hehe..thank sir

My evil twin is within, for we all have a shadow side, because the Light and the Dark are inseparably glued together like two sides of a coin.

i only have twin cats,hehe

No, I don't have twin. I'm alone ;)

I do not have a twin! I am the original and unique version of me! big loan, @shivohum2015 . Congratulations to you..use it for all..

Oh ya my teacher.i am not have twin brother.. just a lon.. but i have big brother..but he is good person.

Thank you sir..

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