The Dream Bank of Neoxian: daily contracts: 2018-04-29

in #bank6 years ago (edited)

This post contains two contracts.

The Bank of Neoxian shall loan the sum of 150 steem to @samest. He promises to repay 170 steem. He shall repay 42.5 steem per week until 170 steem is reached. The first payment shall be on 2018-05-06.

@samest shall hereafter be known as the lendee..
To insure payment of this loan, the lendee promises to hand over their Owner key to the bank. The bank will give back new active and posting keys to the lendee. The lendee affirms that the owner key is given voluntarily and their account is not stolen. They promise not to initiate the Stolen account recovery procedure.
The lendee agrees that if the Bank decides to change the active key and keep it private, this does not constitute of breach of contract.
Owner key will be returned upon successful completion of loan.

The Bank of Neoxian shall loan the sum of 200 steem to @klye. He promises to repay 225 steem in 5 days time.

Please sign below...

(pic from


Did you remember your dream last night? I'll admit I forgot.

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Witnessed by me, @ekavieka.

you are doing a good deal with the best bank on steemit. .
all the best man.

Are there any others?

there are and there was.
there bellyrub bank, with big APR which in the end turn out to be scam,
and I know @neoxian also refund the investor of the bellyrub bank, which is another star for his bank.

Congrats and good luck.

Thanks again for spotting me some much needed funds till payday-powerdown man! Will repay 225 in 5 days time.

Signed with love,

Congrats anf good luck..

As I grew older, I actually dream a lot lesser. I can hardly remember the last time I had a dream... Ok, I remember a nightmare from a few weeks ago... But most nights, it's eyes closed and when eyes are opened again, it's a brand new day.

nice @neoxian, good work, continue your activities in serving your pelagans, success always @neoxian, I really support your job with bank of neoxian and always success.

I almost never do .
I just wake feeling happy or sad without even knowing the reason

The genius bank of @neoxian is wonderful. Helping all those in need. Congratulations @samest i hope you use it well. Cheers . Great day.last night i see one dream my bed.i am a top one in the steemit platform.but i don,t know when its dear friend.. @neoxian

I do not remember what my dream was last night, because I slept very sleepy.@neoxian

congratulations @samest
I never do remember my dream, i forget about it as soon as i wake up...

Hi @neoxian how are you ?. I was a little absent but here I am, every contract you make makes me happy because it is like another positive stamp for your bank, because with each client your bank keeps growing. Very interesting your question. The dreams, we all dream 3-5 before getting up, that is proven and I have realized that it is like that, I always dream and at the minute it is when I have to wake up. I think I was dreaming that I had several dogs and walked them all and the worst part was when everyone made their needs that I had to clean them hahaha, and yours was? Many greetings to you from Venezuela

No one remembers his or her dream in most of the cases, and those who remember it can't remember it as whole. Congrats @samest

Another beautiful deal
Last night I flew into the sky by flying in a dream @neoxian

Hi neoxian i hope you having a nice day
no i dont remember my dream
I always forgot it
and congratulation to samest and to you for your great job.

Hi neoxian
Yes kinda i was on a beach and i was scare of huge waves

Thats nice of you neoxian .... Keep doing the nice work.
I didn't have any last night otherwise I almost remember it 50%.

@samest! 240_F_98225442_APiJfRsbOL6OCv6JlvonwdTpTQE44ex5.jpg

congrats @samest
yeas i remember the whole dream i was dreaming with my friend of college who passed away a few months ago one week later after graduated of pediatrician. She was beatiful and smiley :)

Awesome system. Great compitition of loan. Is there any constrain for this loan in your dream bank.

Another daily loan contract with tow #bankofneoxian customers. Hope they will protect their promise. Congratulation both of them @samest and @klye. @neoxian sir, It's interesting questions. Really I saw a dream last night but now I am forget what is that. It is too deficult but sometimes I remember my dream.

Hello @neoxian a new client for the bank this makes it grow more and strengthen its excellence
My dream last night was that it was something with my family is the only thing I remember but almost almost always I do not remember what I dream
Greetings from Venezuela

Yes, I remember. I was roaming with friends in my dreams.

if not wrong I remember , last night I dreamed to the beach and enjoyed the sunset

From a year every night I only see a dream about the success of crypto as I thought it all time. People get a huge advantage from the bank of neoxian. Thanks sir @neoxian for helping us.

My dream last night is become a teacher, great job @neoxian sir, thank you very much for your kind and support to us

Signed too sir..we are agree. Oh ya..i remember..that my dream is about price of sbd is fly to the highest level.

Thanks you my teacher

Nah unfortunately I can't remember yesterdays dream. In general I'm not remembering many dreams. Always waking up and still thinking about it but 5 minutes later I'm not able to remember it anymore ;)

I remember blurry and some parts of dreams, that's because I wake up late in morning.

I follow your post @neoxian, and indeed you are a good person, always ready to help the steemian with the existence bank of neoxian. you are great @neoxian and deserve praise. Hopefully this is not a dream that always forget but is a reality.

@neoxian - Sir congratulations for daily contracts that made by your bank... Sir I saw Steem at $5,00 last night... But it's a dream so far...


Congratz for the deal! I can remember what I saw last night, but I can't reveal it lol :D Little bit personal :D


Man you are doing great. The dream bank of @neoxian is love. Congratulations @samest

I almost never remember any dream except someone slapped me in it or I almost pee in my trousers.

I Agree with this complement.

I just wake feeling happy or sad without even knowing the reason.

Yes, I remember :D
I've seen that my engagement ceremony is going to be happen. ;)

Hahahahah lol....

I did! My dream was SBD at $5.50. That’s true! I remember it clearly. It was the shortest dream I’ve had, but one of few I remember.
BTW: good loan for both sides!

Whats up mr neoxian I would to be lucky as samest. I usually remember dreams but today i woke up like uhh a bit dizzy.

umm, no I didn't remember last night, but i've some pretty dreams, m sure I'll achieve one day :-)


I've forgotten the dream last night, Mayor

@samest congratulation
neoxian bank best bank
I do not really remember the night I had a dream.

Last night I saw a dream I became a millionaire.

Congratz to both of you. last night i see dream! I have a daughter!

Hello sir.. i am so sorry..i am very late come here..but no problem. I agree with all your rules.

Oh ya lasnigh i dream about my girlfriend.. that is so pretty..
Thanks sir

My Witness. I have a drem to get your loan..hehe..

Oh ya i am no have dream last night .so i am sorry sir..hehe

Good night sir.. i signed too about your loan..

Oh ya i dreaming about my teacher.thank u

Another smart deal with @neoxian bank...
Wel done and perfect work sir...
Ur loan service is very useful to all steemians...
Keep it up sir...

Congratulations and Goodluck @samest


@neoxian, very good heart. continued success😗

All the best to the lenders on this loan...cheers to @neoxian for helping pull a successful deal.

the best and only one bank on steemit is called @neoxian bank Good work for community members

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