New Bike, New Project

in #bike2 years ago


I bought a new bike today, well I guess technically I bought it yesterday, when I test rode, specified some extra things and alike and I picked it up today.

It's Electric, I I don't mean in a Oasis 'She's Electric' type of way I mean that it my legs are supplemented by electrical power.

It's what we would call a commuter style bike in Australia, Europeans might call it a city bike, Americans would likely call it a girls bike as it has a step-through frame, but if you have actually ever ridden a bike as a man you know that bars make no sense and step-through a way easier to get on and how and the upright riding style is more relaxing and comfortable.

It's black and understated which I like, I should probably have taken the photo from the other side as it has a red 'Vyron' written on it which is kinda cool.


And this thing isn't mean to speed (although it will go 25km a hour, limited by Australian law under electric power only - which seems fast enough to me) it's meant for ease and crusing.

So some quick facts. It's a Vyron Cumulus 3.0. You've never heard of Vyron, that's because they are a smallish bike designer here in the inner north of Melbourne. I literally spoke to the owner yesterday and discussed what I wanted to do, I was able to change things about the the specs, different displays, seat etc which was nice.

This is mean to have a range of around 70-80km with the battery I choose, I imagine that is generous given I'm quite a big guy, but then again Melbourne is pretty flat, then again again 80km is a long way so I'm sure I'll be fine. It also has regenerative braking, so as I saw on my ride home it can fill back up on the ride if you encounter some downhill sections, and given the weight of this thing, it can pick up speed pretty quick, I easily hit 40km a hour coasting down a hill before hitting the brakes)

The motor is a 250 Watts (which is the highest you are allowed in Australia) rear driven, it has 9 levels of assistance. Now I'm not sure if you've ever ridden a electric bike, but it's an unusual experience, you're still peddeling but even on say level 4 there is just so little resistance compared to the speed you are going.

Other highlights I've discovered on the 8km ride home from the bike shop- This has a throttle, which means it can move without me peddling, Not something you would use all the time, as I given the weight of this thing you'll run down the battery but it is useful for to things - straight-up, the first 3-4 seconds from stop, so useful getting across roads quickly, similarly it gives a little boost on top of your peddling so if you are coming up to an intersection and it looks like it's about to turn amber you can kick on through.

Oh and this is a the Typically Melbourne location of 'Vyron' no signage, just a warehouse with some bikes in it


but then again it does fit in with the area - here's the view from Anstey station where I got of the train to go pick the bike up and ride it home.


Do I NEED an electric bike - Not really, the fact that I don't own a normal bike is a sign that I can get to most of the place I got using feet and public transport, I might ride the bike to work, I might not who knows, but I figure it will be more a weekend outing thing.

The project is have in mind is that I jump on the bike and head of to places unknown, and armed with a camera I take photos of a greater area of Melbourne than my feet take me to, it's a simple enough concept. I even have a thought that maybe, through HIVE posts from these outings I could work back the the cost of the bike - which for future purpose (at today's exchange rates) $1,100 USD - which would be a fair amount of HIVE posts.

I could call this "Scenes from a Bike'

I mean as Oasis taught us - There's lots and lot's for us to see and lot's and lot's do us to do'


Looks like fun! I didn't know electric bikes existed

I did read somewhere that they make up about 30% of all new bike sales in Australia at the moment (and I'm guessing higher for adults who ride), so certainly growing