I was watching a few youtube videos where everyone was recommending buy a ledger nano s hardware wallet to store your cryptocurrency offline safely.
As I have more coins than i feel comfortable with in an online wallet I decided to purchase a ledger nano s from the main website.
But .... they were out of stock ... only 58 Euros but estimated delivery July 26th !!!
I don't want to wait two months.
OK ... on to Amazon .... Yes - great in stock .... Oops not so good $245 USD !!!
On too Plan B ... look for a mobile phone that has finger print locking feature for a good price to use as a hardware wallet.
No need for a SIM card
I will put Jaxx wallet on the phone move my coins to it and then turn of WIFI on the phone so the phone is offline.
The phone i decided to order was the Oukitel U7 Plus from Banggood.com
Only 91$US
Then off to www.shopawl.com - as they will allow me to pay in bitcoins then they will arrange to have Banggood to send the phone directly to me.
Now, I will probable buy a Nano ledger s wallet in the future when they are back in stock at a reasonable price but until then
this was the best option i could think off.
The phone can always be used as a spare when i do get my hardware wallet.
I hope this idea might help anyone else in the same situation as me !
Good idea!
Trezor is an option, its $100....also you won't need to carry around the card that nano requires
My husband bought me one. I don't know which site he bought it from but it was 70 euros and will come around August!
GReat Idea!!! Mind exploded
it means jaxx wallet is safe when offline?
I was about to ask the same thing. Wasn't there a security concern about Jaxx just a day or two ago?
yes someone here can answer? i've read about that as well.