If the world still wants Bitcoin, the world will still have bitcoin.
China is merely a symptom of the status quo way of handling money being challenged. It's China's "OMG! Our monopoly and control mechanisms are being challenged!" moment. It's happening sooner in China because it's a nation with a history of totalitarian governance.
I believe that over the next 10-20 years, this kind of thing will happen all around the world, as each national government, and each fiat currency and each banking system will have its own "wakeup moment" of needing to decide what to do with being challenged. Are they going to be Switzerland, and embrace new systems, or are they going to be (for the moment) China, and reject them?
In the meantime-- WE (meaning ALL of us) have to "vote" with our consciences, and support cryptos because we believe they hold the future... OR give into other pressures and go home "because the government says so."
That choice is OURS.
It may even be, in China... black markets have a way of forming, if something is truly wanted....
I agree!
Thanks for your comment !
We need a new consciencius order and China or JP Morgan can not stop it.