To get the free coin you will need an ETH wallet address:
- Go to
- Enter a password that you do not forget and click create new wallet
- Save your Keystore File. (Download Keystore File (UTC / JSON)). This is your key to the wallet. Make a backup of the file.
- Save Your Private Key and print the paper wallet as PDF, save the key, account address and PDF.
- Now you have the ETH address that you can use for all ERC20 tokens
- Click, click get 75 ATS,
- Enter the ETH address, your email (use an email that is not your main email, just in case), your name.
- You will have the free 75 ATS tokens (0.037 ETH, about $12) when the ICO is over (15 September)
Please re-steem it so that others can get the coins too.
Thank you!!
Disclaimer: I will also get ATS tokens when you use my referral link
Great information how easy create a walet!
No problem :) Be sure to keep your private keys safe and secure.