This is what 1,000 CAD looks like:
Most of my life I have been an entrepreneur running my own businesses but my last gig was in Finance and IT (Information Technology) for the worlds largest company. I bring 35 years as a finance expert and with evidence research believe the globe is under corporate capture and my efforts are all motivated in the direction of exposing the facts to share the awareness. I also have taken steps to remove my money from the banking system. I consider myself extremely well versed in Global Monetary Policy as I study it as a hobby 2-4 hours per day.
I will be living within my means of an early pension and cutting most all overhead and traveling in a VW Camper Van hoping to never work again or see winter - I will contribute to society by blogging and educating people on inflation and waste in government while posting photographs of my travels in the VW imaged below and named Jenny Freedom DJ Vanabond:
I am fascinated by algorithmic protocol that uses cryptographic hashes & public key cryptography to reward participants with another protocol that retains value called bitcoin for validating a ledger called the blockchain on a peer to peer decentralized transparent public network you don't have to trust. Lost many of my readers with that run on sentence, but please bear with me, I do try to explain things in layman terms and the coming inflation is important to you.
You see we are moving into a world of computational trust as people, governments and companies lose trust in each other. What do I mean by 'computational trust': hundreds of thousands of computers witnessing a transaction. New technology known as a token called bitcoin blockchain is a 'utility' and since it can be used like money some are doing such like me and my friends. The utility is: the most secure data base ever invented. As simple as that. My analogy is: picture it like a big spread sheet (an excel spread sheet) with 21 million cells. Each cell has a password assigned to it and that is called the keys to that cell. These keys can be transferred to other cell keys and are then owned or controlled by the new keys. There is even an open source protocol that releases these cell ownership controls over time ensuring decentralization and utilizing consensus systematic for any updates.
So now, what's the big deal in having a spread sheet that you can transfer cell ownership rights to each other? This spreadsheet is validated by lots of processing power every 10 minutes. Validated; means witnessed or notarized by the community and to date more processing power is validating the bitcoin blockchain than has ever been used for a single purpose in the history of mankind. Now then how does it become money or a type of currency: it becomes money when a value is attached to the controlling or ownership of the cell. Why would someone want to own such a utility or a portion of it? There is value in someone notarizing (witnessing) contracts in a manner so secure it has had zero down time and zero hacks or errors from the early stages - currently (bitcoin) now running over 9 years worth of 10 minute blocks of transactions. I call it triple entry accounting: a transaction 1) buyer 2) seller 3) witness by ledger and community (hundreds of thousands of witnesses). Or debit, credit and witness. You can sell services on this backbone and therefore owning control allows for a return on investment.
Here is my: blog
Here is my: intro
Here is more on: corporate capture
Here is most revealing evidence to date on an: economic super-entity. I dare those to try to read this document and comprehend it. Here is the abstract:
"The structure of the control network of transnational corporations affects global market competition and financial stability. So far, only small national samples were studied and there was no appropriate methodology to assess control globally. We present the first investigation of the architecture of the international ownership network, along with the computation of the control held by each global player. We find that transnational corporations form a giant bow-tie structure and that a large portion of control flows to a small tightly-knit core of financial institutions. This core can be seen as an economic “super-entity” that raises new important issues both for researchers and policy makers."
Should you care about the future of the world the single most important thing you can do immediately is to 'shop local' and learn about new global community money created by the new technology blockchain! Then vote for those who care about less corporate dominance.
Thanks you 1,000 - for following!
@greenman - 1000 followers, that fantastic Sir

Let's go to moon Sir <3 :*
+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]
Congratulation for 1000 followers @ greenman
ahahaha this one is nice
too the moon haha
nice replay.
Jerry send you light upvote

bonne voyage a vous de @bakabou159704
oui tu a rissent mon ami a vous mon vote
upvoted and resteemed, fantastic shots and cheer's @greenman on reaching that milestone of 1K followers, i hope the next 1k comes really quick now.

Congratulation for 1000 followers , I hope you reach 2000 very soon
Resteemed & Shared in the top of facebook group for 7 days
Great travel experience . Excellent photo. great work

Thanks @greenman
amigo #resteemia at your service
hahahahha amazing gif
wow! mind blowing man.....
everybody should love travels but cannot did that....
ha ha verry nice gif....
great job hahaha
Congratulation for 1000 followers
Great job sir .very very beautiful photos . really like.

Congratz for the 1000+ Followers!

u nailed it man 😍
The summary and the best lines from this blog I derived are as under :-
(1)I also have taken steps to remove my money from the banking system. I consider myself extremely well versed in Global Monetary Policy as I study it as a hobby 2-4 hours per day.
(2) My analogy is: picture it like a big spread sheet (an excel spread sheet) with 21 million cells. Each cell has a password assigned to it and that is called the keys to that cell. These keys can be transferred to other cell keys and are then owned or controlled by the new keys
You have explained it very perfectly sir @greenman and i have a sense that you are a wise person in the era of blockchain technology.
Thanks a lot for this article ...
Have a great day
Amazing job @greenman Followed...
amigo #resteemia at your service
congratulations for 1000 followers & excellent photography again @greenman

celebrate it with steems ;)
'UpVoted ReSteemed Commented'
amigo #resteemia at your service
Congratulation for your success. It's a long journey sir. We love you Paul Collin because you love us, you guide us. This is for you
This is your followers, those are really love you.
It's you, that loves all his followers
Please notice me I'm one of them.
and @greenman is simply the best.

Great milestone that is...congratulations @greenman for 1000 followers Resteemed
Congratulations @greenman

@greenman - 1000 followers, that Exceleent

Hey That's really awesome Congratulations on achieving a new milestone in the Steemit Journey you really deserve it no doubt about that your post have always inspired many steemians and its always a pleasure seeing your post many new milestones to comes and i wish you all the best and just realised that i too completed on the same day the same amount of followers what a coincident hahah :) any ways Big Congratulations have a nice day !!
Awesome! Congratulations.Your article was spot on and I enjoyed reading it! Keep on Steeming. Great job. Thank you for sharing :)
Good news . Congratulation dear @greenman

Best of luck . . . . Keep posting
Congratulations! Good work) Wish you more followers! Resteem
Congrats and keep spreading the truth ;) I am gonna be honest with you here though, and will only address this once, so do with it what you like... It's just my observation.
I've seen many of the same people in your posts, not really interacting or listening to what you're saying. The reason for this being they get upvoted so easily by resteeming your article and making lots of (quantity) comments. And honestly, resteems from people with this kind of behaviour only attracts more of the same kind. If you really want people to listen and have true followers interact, reward them more for their insights, for their thoughtful comments, for their actual value.
Anyways, like I said, do with it what you want. And I am not saying all of your followers are like this. But the ones usually on top of ur post's comment section, well... They often are...
He who has best gifs win...this is entertainment for most.
I think it's more of a quick buck for most, so I suppose that makes it entertainment ^.^
Ha! Ha! Ha! @droucil...made your quick'll bet that's the easiest, and quickest buck you've ever hatin', just sayin'....
@droucil I have a very insightful post here but not much audience, I would appreciate if you can resteem to the right audience
Congratulation for 1000 followers
I'm still getting to the 100 goal so damn... you've been busy! Congrats @greenman. Now you have 1001 (or more) :0)
👍 resteemed & upvoted indeed!
We all need to vote with our $ and support local anytime there is a choice. It's sad so many don't realize this is the biggest voting we can do! Also congrats on 1000 !

Congratz for the 1000+ Followers! I am glad to say that I decided to be a follower of yours!
Congratulation @greenman for 1000 followers...

Celebrate ...
Up to the next 1000, for sure you manage. CONGRATS!
Take the VAN and they will sure follow you :-)
Wow, you have already got more than 1000 follower and you blogs in your page are really interesting and full of crypto knowledge. So its worth following you.
Thank you.
Thanks. New blog coming within week. Test driving van now.
Congratulations sir for this achievement 😊😊😊 I hope you will get more followers 😊
Upvoted and resteemed
Congrats on 1000 followers , it is a great feeling when you see that so many people are interested in your content. Personally i love to read your ideas about crypto and at the same time when you share with us your real life experiences. How is your electro-bike by the way? Upvoted and resteemed :)
I feel in love with the electric bike - update coming on it probably next week. I feel like a teenager again when riding.
1000 Followers! @greenman

Congratz 1000+ Followers

@greenman - 1000 followers......

gifs everywhere lol
you are really good photographer as a student. You will be better soon....
how did you do it? can you tell me about it?
i need to know this....
Congratulation for 1000 followers
1 year 3 months on steemit , thank you for your article is so convincing that I never stop myself to say something about it. Thank you so much for continuing to publish this important content.i always upvote your post . You’re doing a great job Man,Keep it up.@greenman
"Hoping to never work again or see winter"
Of the entire post, that line moved me the most. I didn't even finish the article before I made this comment, I just had to say something. Really noble wish, I hope it comes through.
And congrats on the followers, I'm joining the list
Thank you very much. The van had some transmission shifter tweaking needed so I ended up seeing the start of winter - darn. Though, it has been fun being in Calgary AB CANADA and seeing old buddies etc...hoping to leave winter soon.
Here's another follower! I like the look of that van. Looks like freedom!
I frequently post on crypto trends and do beer reviews. Maybe one or the other can give you some fresh ideas! Cheers!
Thanks for kind words. I don't see the follow?
Congratulation for 1000 followers
Congratulations @greenman
MinnowsPower listed your post "1000 followers so a BIG thanks! And an update on what I am up to on Steemit:" as one of the top 10 upvoted and commented posts of the day...!!!
1000 followers in short time period...!!! Exceptional achievement you made...!!!
Congratulations for the incredible achievement...!!!
100% Upvoted by @MinnowsPower
MinnowsPower is not a bot, I am a Crowdfunding Hybrid
One small UpVote of Yours build MinnowsPower and MinnowsPower will Not Forget Your Support...!!!
like a boss hahaha 😍
Congrats and keep spreading the truth ;) I am gonna be honest with you here though, and will only address this once, so do with it what you like... It's just my observation.
I've seen many of the same people in your posts, not really interacting or listening to what you're saying. The reason for this being they get upvoted so easily by resteeming your article and making lots of (quantity) comments. And honestly, resteems from people with this kind of behaviour only attracts more of the same kind. If you really want people to listen and have true followers interact, reward them more for their insights, for their thoughtful comments, for their actual value.
Anyways, like I said, do with it what you want. And I am not saying all of your followers are like this. But the ones usually on top of ur post's comment section, well... They often are...
Congrats again... maybe you can also build something like this. For your bike..
That's an incredible retirement plan! The plan i have is kind of similar to that of you. Within 5-7 years, i also want to escape the leash of 'corporate capture'; I want to return to my village, grow vegetables and crops, maintain a chicken and cattle farm, enjoy the peace and beauty of nature, and write fantasy and adventure stories. I wish you best of luck with your plan. Keep me in your prayers :) - oh, and i almost forgot: Congratulations on hitting the 1000 followers mark, I'm happy to be one of the thousand :)
Congratulations on your 1000! And keep up the good work on informing us. Lot's of us are stray sheep not knowing where to head at in this chaos created by world powers and banks.
Your efforts are very much appreciated.
I wish you all the best in your quest to live free.
Thx, great post, love the way you explain these thinks... like we say in Holland, in neintjestaal That means that everyone would understand, even small kids... that is a powerful strenght.. THX again
Upvoted and resteemed for the community to celerate with you. A big congratulations to you @greenman sir on your 1000 followers. This is huge, i hope to get there same day. Your blogg is great. Thanks for sharing your contents with us, i have learnt a lot from it. Congrats on your 1000 followers again. Enjoy it.
Thanks for the upvotes, i will celebrate it with you has you celebrate your 1000 followers. Cheers.
@greenman, your beloved Jenny Freedom DJ Vanabond always looks cool to me!
Congrats to your achievement of 1000 followers. So will you give that 1000 CAD money to one of your followers :D?
Anyway, keep up your good work on writing and educating people about how digital economy and blockchain tech can improve their life and money!
yeah 999 cad for me hahahahha
gratz with 1000 followers ;) and with your way of live, seems you are now more free than most of us! you travel and not depends too much on government and system, How it feels to have freedom ?
You explained very well what bitcoin is about, thank you. Also I respect you very much for the fact that you are trying to warn people about the importance of inflation and the fact that their wealth is at risk if they keep storing their money in bank accounts. I can't wait for the blockchain technology to go mainstream. And congrats for the 1k. Impressive :)
Congrats on 1,000!!!
#VWforLife! Our Steem earnings bought us a VW Tiguan. My fifth VW.
great ! lets celebrate on this huge success

Upvote/ Resteem
Last week I pointed you out to maybe delegate some of your power.. but you say it was better to use it yourself to see also curation rewards and to support other steemians. I was happy that you did this.. it's better for all of us.. Did you alo think about the SMT announcement? What's your honest thought about it...?
I like what Dan is up to with SMT. The traction will begin as corporate world gets approvals from shareholders (money masters) to get onto blockchain. That day is sooner rather than later. 1-2 years max.
Yes we are still all pioniers in the crypto world... I can't imagine what happens when the rest of the sheep go into it...
Can I kindly ask you to vote for me as witness, I am just a minnow.. But i also spend some time to build a witness server to make my dream come true.. ! It's a free service and appreciate it so much.. THX[witness_rival.gif]
Voted you as witness.
Thank you very very much.. I hope I will get more votes so I can achieve my dream..
I will investigate what witness is.
Witnesses are the people who run node servers. They are the ones keeping the block-chain online. If all nodes go offline, the site goes offline. They also vote on important decision regarding the development of the blockchain.
Congratulation for 1000 followers
Congratulations on hitting the 1000 followers
Great and Vast Experience you have @greenman i am blessed to be the one of your follower from that you give knowledge and share your experience with all of us which help specially me a lot would like to conclude by saying that thanks for giving so much to the community you are always helping as a friend and mentor i congratulate you on the accomplishment of 1000 followers i hope you see great growth over the days,god bless you :)
this story is verry good...
That is a great achievement dear. I really wish you continue to grow in more numbers. Steem has a big potential in the upcoming days. SMTs announced will take it to the moon very soon.