Bitcoin (BTC) overnight price has brought $7,500 zone and level. Price is still within the borders of the wedge pattern. The price movement fractal is still in effect (white and green circles). A Bull Wick is when price temporarily pierces the support line and returns inside the pattern. During this stage, when price is closer to the Apex (the point at which the two triangle lines intersect); these Bull Wicks occur and often multiple times; so they are to be expected. IF price rises to the upper white line; likely it'll be repelled again as shown by the blue lines. The purple lines are an example of a potential ladder rung zone.
Can Bitcoin just crash from current levels? Well, let's look at the MACD. It's pretty oversold and most of the sellers have already spent their ammunition. There is only a finite number of sellers and this seller rubber band is being stretched to the point that crack marks are now appearing on the rubber band as early signs of an impending snap. Once it snaps, a liquidity shortage like never before seen could be expected.
Legal Disclaimer: This is only my opinion, make of it what you wish. What does this mean? It means it's not advice nor recommendation to either buy or sell anything! It's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes.
Please consider reviewing these Tutorials on:
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #1
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #2
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #3
Laddering and Buy/Sell Setups.
Laddering Example with EOS
Tutorial on the use of Fibonacci & Elliott Waves
@haejin's Trading Nuggets
Essay: Is Technical Analysis a Quantum Event?
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Place your comments as a reply to this. Bernie Sanders auto downvotes only the first comments! Smarts win!
Thank you! Following your analysis definitely helps me to calmly buy the dip :)
Ha Ha, touche!
YOU ARE THE MAN HAEJIN! thnx for the consistent updates!!
Bernie Sanders outsmarted again.
Thanks for this morning update. As always we appreciate it. Things are getting interesting,,, I love inflection points :D
The question is rather, what about the BUYERS ? Many people are afraid, others will want to wait for lower prices (moi) - and institutions refuse to buy because they hope if they just wait, crypto will starve and no longer molest them. Lets us wait as well nd see how low this will push BTC and with it all crypto, so we can finally be done and grow again - because most people here will only ever buy GREEN.
I'd rather see Bitcoin fall to 2k than watch this shit for another month or even a year...
You hit the magic number. $2K could be possible
More expect 4 k... down below 6 right now. Looking at Lumens, the most practical coin, and it held/bounced at 30 cents thrice (which bitcoin never managed) but finally fell deeper as well. The situation is scary I guess but look at Ripple which is at 50 cents and used to be at 3.50 - seven times higher. We now know this is possible, we did not before... the market is anything but dead but it cannot go low enough for my taste ;)
Liquidity shortage? WTF are you talking about. There is so little BTC bought on margin that there is no such thing as a liquidity shortage. You like to throw terms around without having the faintest idea what you are talking about.
What is a 'Liquidity Crisis'
A liquidity crisis is a negative financial situation characterized by a lack of cash flow. For a single business, a liquidity crisis occurs when the otherwise solvent business does not have the liquid assets (i.e., cash) necessary to meet its short-term obligations, such as repaying its loans, paying its bills and paying its employees. If the liquidity crisis is not solved, the company must declare bankruptcy. An insolvent business can also have a liquidity crisis, but in this case, restoring cash flow will not prevent the business's ultimate bankruptcy.
@haejin how do you know if the breach is temporary? does it depend on where the candle closes? or how many candles?
Wow 5.3k is a dream price for bitcoin! But These dips are extremely low I wasn't concerned until it hit the low 7k range. We must HODL!

I swear we were all hoping for a new high at 5.3k a couple of months ago. How time flies when hodling bitcoins.
Hahaha, this is great. Thanks for the LOLs

Thanks for your analysis!
card worth 1 btc
Thanks haijen having a tough time during this correction.Do you have any thoughts on ETH short term ??. Do you potentially see it go up to 850 or so
Thanks haijen having a tough time during this correction.Do you have any thoughts on ETH short term ??. Do you potentially see it go up to 850 or so
Hello Haejin, As always, as a long term supporter of your very much appreciated education and excellent technical analyses , Thank you !
@haejin, How do you feel about #Litecoin #LTC just curious.
All coins are dead until Bitcoin rises from the grave. The creator of LTC selling all his coins should have been a massive red flag to all investors... he saw this coming, as did haejin. Of course they can not say as that would be FUD and no one likes FUD. A correction in meant to take the BULL out of the market and the bitcoin bull needs alot of taming.
Sheesh, whatre u thinking ur doing ? This is a religious sect... also, if you're thinking this will benefit BCH, you're wrong. Roger executed himself. It will benefit Wall Street, then ETH and then Stellar Lumens, but not much anybody else.
I have a stack of fiat ready to be unleashed!
Isn't it funny his initials are BS!!! Quite fitting!
How come you have so many downvote bots? Before we had this kimjongpoo guy and now berniesanders? What do they have against your work?
They're a bunch of trolls. I think some charge for their TA, and get upset when they realize @haejin is better.
@Haejin - could you provide your analysis on HGT - Hello Gold. Thanks
Thanks a lot for your analyss
Thank you for the great information,
Exciting moments! Thanks for keeping updating Haejin :)
Haejin can you analyse this mole on my back?
thanks for the post
4.578 max
Supporting u for supporting us. Keep strong.
Thanks again!
Possible Count or?
More likely ?
Great info.
Thanks again for your expert analysis.
HODL GANG! https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@investingtips/why-you-need-to-hodl-no-weak-hands-here
Thank you so much Haejin! I'm your royal follower!
Thank you for your perseverance.
Nice. FYI, you're 75 now -- may want to update your banner. :)
Thanks so much for your instruction -- I have some trades that I'm waiting to pop, and the rest I'm cycling between BTC and USD at WEX, increasing my coins which is a first. :)
So whilst the market is crashing, feel free to take a look at my new steemit covering games running on the blockchain. It's a bit of light relief from all the red lines!
F*** Bernie!
So how low this can go. Can it hit 5K.
It is a tough time for cryptos... 🤒
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P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.
Let' hope correction will end soon ... but anyway .... crypto is the next world ...
I think so too. I think even if it dips more, it's eventually going to come back up with a vengeance!
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P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.
Thanks for the updates.
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P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.
I'm sorry, can you explain to me what this means... "Once it snaps, a liquidity shortage like never before seen could be expected."
it means once it hits its ultimate lows that its price will shoot up like a rocket and getting your hands on some bitcoin for a decent price will be hard because everyone who owns it will be holding it for the big gains that follow a hard correction like this one..
It is supposed to be positive for bitcoin price, I guess.
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P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.
Bull wick!!!? What bull wick!? The triangle is decisively pierced and we are goind down to 4K range! The only thing bull left in this market is the BULLSHIT Haejin is spreading at the expense of his followers. Prepare to cast your ladders around 4500$ in 10 days or so. If you have any money left from continuous haejin reckt ladders that is!
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P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.
What happens if there is a massive liquidity shortage? Doesnt that mean there’s lesser Fiat available to put a value on the bitcoin?
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Almost the end of the correction !
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You mean you want it to be...lol Its hard times put as i read today, the days of making money in the short term are gone for crypto. You have to be in this for at least 4-6mths to see massive gains.
I'm not speaking about massive gains.
The BTC will hit the bottom and after that who really knows ?!
"Once it snaps, a liquidity shortage like never before seen could be expected"
Not sure if this is positive or negative?
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Positive. Scarcity drives price upward.
Liquidity shortage means prices will go up I think!
yes, it could shoot up so fast that it leaves all the small time traders caught. As hard as it is to hodl, it is the best strategy.
I think it's positive.. I think that'd be the last lower low. Fingers Crossed
It's a great thing! If you'd been watching the videos over the last few days you'd have caught his quick lesson on liquidity shortage and how it drives price sky high.
Im trying to keep up but with a full time job I dont have that much time to see all video's. I am confident we are getting out of these red numbers some day but just curious about when and how hard the bounce will be :)
Thanks a lot @haejin Do you think the correction is about to end??
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P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.
Thx for TA.
If you want free coins via Airdrops check my blog. Good luck
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P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.
"Enjoy your dwindling rep" (Has -18 rep)
You have actually helped the community here Bernie as the date this was done is very very interesting.
Keep up being like Don Quixote :D
YOU ARE THE MAN HAEJIN! thnx for the consistent updates!!
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thanks for updates and thanks for educate us
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Thanks its helpfull
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@Haejin, how long can price breach the lower support line and still be considered "temporary". Thank you for your great analysis. Love your posts and videos.
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Until you have sold, then it bends back in.
just upvoted u...i am new here...great analysis...
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P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.
Thanks for the update. Formation like beautiful, people should be looking around their house looking to sell what they don't need to buy Bitcoin!
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Vote back
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Thank you Heajin fur update, it is always nice to have your analysis
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Where is the ladder zone excactly?
Everywhere, where the pink lines are?
Or only between 6989USD and 6207USD?
Thank you!
@Haejin doesn't share his exact points but his previous videos have laid out the range. It started around $7,800 if I recall correctly and goes down pretty low (6,000 give or take). He does 10 steps (some higher than the breakout). Hope that helps... he has a great tutorial on how to set it up.
Thank you very much!
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P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.
Would you please update us on SBD and Steem please? Thanks!
He just did one on Steem if you haven't seen it... :D. Would love one on SBD as well since I'm trying to decide which to hold in the short run.
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Nothing is rising until Bitcoin rises. Poor Haejin.
Thank you Haejin!
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Hello,very helpfull, thank you!Let's hold ...!
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So whilst the market is crashing, feel free to take a look at my new steemit covering games running on the blockchain. It's a bit of light relief from all the red lines!
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Thank you!!
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Thank you for labelling the price levels on your chart, as it's sometimes hard to discern them in the images you post.
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Thanks for all your help
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At this moment I think this is one of the most plausible analysis. It should be the bottom.
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Thank you!
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