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RE: Bitcoin to drop below $1000. Here Is why.

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

You need 'sources' on an elementary and deductive assertion such as i make regarding Binance?

Where is your own source for this:-

Please, if you believe the shit you wrote here just sell all your crypto and call it a day.

Just asking to help you visualize the absurdity in your asking for 'sources' on the obvious, if not deductive assertions.

At any rate, what do you mean, when you so intelligently, and informatively, by the way, say:-

The transactions were reversed. The hack did not happen at Binance's fault.
People who were using a certain trading bot got fucked because they did not secure ....

is that not, from your perspective, a response to

....the reported hacking of Binance,

Just as i exactly write?

You should read the same 'sources' you read. You know you amuse me with your :-

that is my general knowledge on the topic of cryptocurrencies. Something you may or may not lack

You are obviously a good self-marketeer! I give you that.

And yes, you are right. You may say whatever you like, i was only being courteous like any decent person would to a "stealing is okay until you get caught!" minded brat!

And before i forget, You ask about Japan? Where do i say, or even imply, that Japan is against Crypto?

Admittedly, Japan passed legislation some time last year that in deed legalized Bitcoin as well as other Crypto currencies. This was a very positive move in helping crypto currencies to become mainstream.

What i expressed -or implied, to make it simple for you - was the fear that any further regulations would mindset the crypto market in Japanin such a manner as hurts it in the long run. What do i mean by this? You are welcome to ask for detail, or even for sources, for i will only need summon my analytical mind, something you may or may not lack!


You must not omit an essential detail in the case of the Binance fiasco. In your post, you did not explain what happened, the guilt of Binance in preventing the hack, the quick response they had and how the problem was resolved in a very quick period of time.

Also, I really don't believe you understand how regulations will help cryptocurrencies. Keep in mind, we are talking about partial regulations: in the case of ICOs and in the case of exchanges (which, again, a lot of them are shady). I can't even imagine a fully regulated cryptosphere, it is beyond my imagination.

And about the Japan thing, come on...of course any country could impose, for whatever reasons, regulations which could be potentially harmful. But nobody lives with the fear that there is the possibility, no matter how slim, of that happening.

What about SEC and CTFC? These pumped the crypto a while ago when it was hovering around 7k. You make it sound like their intentions are harmful, but in fact all they wish is the safety of the investor. A good read

I am not sure whether you literally took a glance over the post before making it public. It sounds like something the mass-media would feed me, trying to showcase all the "bad" things in crypto and how it is a bloody Ponzi.

You are obviously a good self-marketeer

Didn't mean to do that. No regrets.