I appreciate your optimism, and I think I expect things to play out as you've said here. However, if environmentalists are correct (and I'm not entirely sure they are), then we may have a power crisis to slow us down.
Because either, they say, we need to stop using fossil fuels or else.
Alternatively, others say, we must stop using fossil fuels because we are using them all...
I figure that's mostly just fear mongering, selling a new consumerism. If they can convince us to stop using oil, then we must buy solar and electric, etc. If done, maybe that can be the new consumer boom our failing global economy needs to stay afloat.
In the end, I suspect the truth is somewhere in between. Probably we need to be better to the earth, and probably we will expand solar and electric tech so that we are able to be better.
Probably it will spawn a new economic boom and the economic game will last longer than any naysayers (myself included) will expect.
And as likely, as a result, as you say, goods and life will get better for most of the world consistently. Hopefully.
Either way, I'm glad to hold food, water, bullion and BTC, just in case the house of cards falls harder and faster than we expect.
Good post bud.
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Ya it's interesting!!! Super hard to say how it will play out and what the trends will be. I think in general I lean on the idea that... humanity is built to succeed and we'll figure it out. But that's not to say there can't be big kinks and growing pains that make it suck for a while.
Something I wonder sometimes.. is if there's only so much petroleum etc in the Earth, maybe everyone wants more of it for themselves, and that's what all the fuss is about.
Especially armies and large vested interests who use it. On a smaller scale Leonard Di Caprio probably wants to keep flying his private jet, and he doesn't want to pay exponentially higher prices as we approach running out. So sometimes I wonder if climate hysteria is basically driven by people wanting it for themselves.. "the elites" convince the masses to use less of it simply because they want to use more of it.
My feeling is generally that the cleaner forms of energy have a natural benefit, like if you install solar panels you reduce costs. Walking or riding your bike gives you exercise, and electric self-driving cars and light rail trains and stuff like that are probably more cost-effective than everyone driving cars, and safer.
So while I wouldn't disagree with the environmentalists that fossil fuels are bad, I figure (1) they probably run out before we blow up the planet.. it's probably pre-installed like that and (2) you don't need to guilt and control-freak people not to use them, because there are natural advantages to not using them, and those advantages evolve over time.
It's easy for individuals to adapt to cleaner energy and whatever new solutions show up. Entrenched interests though are slow moving and I think have a mindset of wanting things to stay how they are. So they probably worry about fossil running out and need to convince the suckers 😆
I think that's a good mix! Defensive on one hand, but can boom with BTC.