I will check it out. Thanks.
Also, if you're interested in passive income, I've been using Control-Finance. It's similar to bitconnect but doesnt use it's own token. You can see their investment offer and calculator in the "Investment Offer" tab from my referral link. Here's my referral link: https://control-finance.com/?ref=LongStockSilver
Let me know if you have questions and I'll do the same if I have any about USI-Tech. :)
Fair enough. I know there is a lot of skepticism and I totally understand that. I put in $10 because I can throw $10 away. But after doing some spreadsheets and calculations I added $293 more. I'm comfortable with that investment through the end of the year. At that time, I will have made my investment back and will be earning profit. Something REALLY crazy would have to happen for anything to worry me at this point. Plus if I lose $300, it wont break me and it's worth the reward, in my opinion.