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RE: Do You Know Your Magic Number for Investing?

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

Yeah, I held 1 bitcoin and 40 eth and bailed after the DAO hack at a 20% profit in a week. Obviously wish I had held on but it really shook my confidence. Also that was my 2nd time dealing with crypto-assets (I saw it back in 2013 and called it a scam. Also got a 1000 XRP airdrop that I promptly cashed out for a bottle of Laguvulin 16 which I don't regret).

Still think BTC will go up but that ETH is overvalued at $70 bln as the 3rd/4th gen blockchains overtake it. There's just no good reason with the SEC hammer coming down on ICO's (mostly ETH) to have it valued at 10x the nearest blockchain.

NEO will evade this because it's not based in the U.S. EOS gets around this by bankrolling devs with their $1 billion warchest and distributing airdrops rather than ICO's.

Welcome to crypto-land and happy hunting.