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RE: Bitcoin Cash Launched - Stats Up to Now

in #bitcoin8 years ago

I see you don't understand how assets work.

Imagine two identical houses, house A and house B.

A person buys both houses for $200.

That person then sells 1 house to someone else for $110. The original person now has $110 and a house worth $110.

Where did the extra $20 come from?

Same deal here with bitcoin.


I understand that much. I can see how something starts at a certain price and then gets traded up. I have more difficulty, however, with the fact that simply forking a coin makes 12 billion dollars worth of value appear out of thin air.

I mean, let's do this a dozen times over if it's that easy? Who would ever start a new coin if forking Bitcoin is this profitable. The value I think is virtual... It does represent a value, but I don't think there are 12 billion worth of US dollars that can be taken out of Bitcoin Cash.

Thats not the reason at all, you cant deposit BCH on the exchanges yet so the prices will obviously be different, this happens with every coin when one exchange has a wallet not functioning etc.