Faast portfolio- Finally an easy way to manage and trade your crypto investments

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

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Faast portfolio wants to be a faster and easier way than Shapeshift to exchange and even organize all of your crypto investments.

Faast portfolio makes this whole process very simple by allowing you to connect your MetaMask, Trezor, or Ledger wallet to the Faast portfolio and quickly swap between coins securely without needing to visit any exchanges. The Faast portfolio also includes the Mist Browser and Parity plug-ins as well. You could also use a keystore file, but this probably isn't recommended.

In order to begin using Faast, you simply connect your MetaMask, Ledger, etc. wallet and begin trading your current holdings for the coins you want right away without needing to exchange your holdings for BTC/ETH etc. first. There is also no membership or sign-up required.

Shapeshift already allows you to exchange one coin for another, but with Faast you can choose from over 100 supported tokens with more to come. With Faast you are able to choose the coin you want from a list, exchange it, and then within a few minutes you'll have a well-diversified portfolio/pie chart that will show all of your current holdings. Also, Faast mentions that all of your tokens stay safe as the swap happens over the Faast network before being sent to your Trezor wallet, etc.

In fact, the only downside to Faast seems to be that it is not completely free, they charge a small fee to conduct trades, but this is nothing new. On their website Faast compares a $100 swap between Aragon (ANT) and Aeternity (AE) and shows that you're left with about $95 after the exchange. Faast portfolio is still in Beta, but I think I'll start using it soon.

Faast portfolio: https://faa.st/portfolio/connect

Company website: https://faa.st/


Loving the simplistic framework you guys created for it. It could redefine the way we handle different accounts and trust me so many users will sign up due to it's low barrier to entry. You can literally choose your preferred way to add a wallet rather than being forced through 1 entry. Great job guys!

I'm not a big fan of coins swapping, but I'm always willing to learn about new products, thanks. You mention Shapeshift.io, but there are others also offering the same service such as @blocktrades, Changelly.com, and ChangeNow.io (which is the only one allowing to swap LoMoCoin as far as I'm aware of).

Also as a complementary​ to your article, it reminds me that two days ago, Trezor announced in their newsletter that it had successfully being integrated to MetaMask:

Thanks to the amazing work of the MetaMask team, we are happy to announce that Trezor has been successfully integrated into this popular Chrome extension for Ethereum.

Starting today, you can seamlessly use MetaMask with Trezor to check your account balances (ETH and tokens), sign transactions, but also manage your smart contracts, ÐApps— anything that you are able to do with MetaMask. But now, you do not need to transfer ethers or tokens to MetaMask before dealing with contracts, cutting off one time-consuming task!

Moreover, since Trezor guards your private keys, you no longer need to rely on MetaMask to keep your keys safe. Your keys remain only in your Trezor, protected by the hardware.

Really very valuable

Simplified coin swaps as described in the article, and decentralized exchanges are the future. As soon as the cryptoworld begins departing from the ancient fiat ecosystem, these solutions will be awesome and effective. Thank you for the article!

Nice post.I like, thank you the4thmusketeer

Posted using Partiko Android


Allows Cross-Chain Swaps With long list of Tokens. But all ERC 20 supported platform are now difficult to transfer for high gas price

"Faast compares a $100 swap between Aragon (ANT) and Aeternity (AE) and shows that you're left with about $95 after the exchange. "

That's 5%.

Yeah, it's 5% but it seems reasonable to me considering that you don't always get a fair price for coins you trade and the high withdraw fees on some exchanges.

Nice post man! My Steemit has been picking up a bit recently, what do you think about it?

great post broken don to the nitty gritty type
but my question is this
how can the little guy down there, the common man just trying to get buy benefit from this. @the4thmusketeer hat are your thoughts @tts. @upme

The Faast website is trying to pull a fast one over costs. It says that Faast is cheaper than Binance and Kyber but it is only when you click on the Medium link that you find they are being very dishonest indeed. The starting token, ANT, is not listed on either Binance or Kyber so they are sending it to Bittrex, exchanging it for Bitcoin (not exactly a cheap con to move), withdrawing Bitcoin and sending it to either Binance or Kyber. So we have had 4 expense making steps BEFORE we even deal with the Kyber or Binance costs.

If you book a plane to Paris from New York it is cheaper to go direct than via Australia ......who knew eh?

Naughty, very very naughty!

I see what you mean, they shouldn't have used that as the example, considering ANT isn't listed on Binance. I guess if you're looking for the fastest way to make the exchange, then Faast is still a good option, but I can see how it could be more expensive in some cases. Better to skip the flight all together sometimes.

it will definetely help to manage different accounts

It is so hard to predict the exact fashion of the crypto market due to its being so unstable. in only some pump or sell off, the market actions significantly and this makes crypto an interesting asset to make investments and exchange. if you recognize how the marketplace behaves and know how to play this game then you may earn massive due to its volatility. steem alternatively become so promising and i am so excited what steem will bring us inside the future:

Love, thanks for share.

Faast is Trezor approved so I will definitely use it if I want to trade some coinsn for now though I'm sticking to my current positions.

a small fee of 5%?

Well I think when you factor in paying fees to transfer the coin to the exchange, then paying fees to swap the coin for BTC or ETH, etc., then trying to find a fair price for the new coin, then paying a withdraw fee for the new coin. All of this really adds up and is time consuming. I'd rather wait 5 minutes or less for a trade and pay 5%.

Trading on Binance costs 0.2-0.3% fees (depending how many pairs you need) and can be done in 5 mins or less too

Posted using Partiko Android

Man if you need to contact me I am on steem chat as the.crypto.kid

Do you think if i get like 1000 Steem power in my account my post will do better?

Yeah, I think that would help. Steem power is basically the driving force behind Steem.