Staying Sane in Todays Mad World

in #bitcoin2 years ago

How do we stay knowledgable on Impactful world and financial events whilst also maintaining a positive optimistic outlook?


I’m honestly not a big fan of politics and in a normal world I would enjoy getting on with my life and attempting to have a good time to the best of my abilities. Even being invested in crypto, as I am, this would still generally be the case for me. I know that world political events can have huge impacts on all financial markets, especially crypto (regarding continued ongoing regulation). It’s just a shame I can’t do anything about the decisions made. It’s becoming increasing obvious that even our votes mean not a jot anymore. We can react to these decisions however and that is why we listen.


Being a long term hodler in the crypto projects I value and see a future in (As opposed to searching for the quick bucks day/swing trading) it’s kinder on the soul to not dwell on the political and social corruption of our day. We simply have to ride out the storms that the current untouchables cause and shower down upon us mere plebs, whilst at the same time speaking the truth when we can. Importantly though we also have to stay informed, our livelihoods depend on it at the end of the day.

We have reached a stage now where it is not possible to simply ignore politics as our leaders seem determined to, at the very least, significantly lower our standards of living. So here are my thoughts helping me to stay sane in our elitist globalist times.

I have come to realise that most ‘journalists’ nowadays do not actually believe what they write anymore, they are either simply having to be sensationalist in order to get clicks and get their article viewed or are ideologically and tribally following an agenda. This it seems is the decision that the legacy media platforms have made that they must take in order to financially survive. To make it easier for platforms that either spread such disinformation or actively suppress the truth to achieve this goal, they simply employ activists from todays universities with an agenda as opposed to actual truth reporting journalists.

I now understand that these biased voices holding these views and opinions, although in the mainstream, they are actually a very tiny minority of our populations. They insinuate and give the impression that they hold the mainstream held viewpoint, this however is generally completely untrue and is a tactic currently used by the far left to skew peoples perceptions and shift the Overton window. This tactic, combined with ‘canceling people’ and ending careers is obviously extremely powerful, as now no longer can the average person express their opinion in the street without repercussion, no matter how innocent a viewpoint.


What gives me real hope is that the more such activists and control freaks push, the more people wake up to our current plight and look for alternatives. I see this happening in both media and finance. The people who have such a lust for power and control are actually pushing people away from their own platforms and directly towards decentralisation.

Who wants to have their account blocked on Facebook or Twitter for expressing a non-threatening opinion when they could simply post the same viewpoint on Hive for example and add to general discourse and public debate? Maybe even earning a little cryptocurrency in the process.

In the world of finance who wants to hold their wealth in a fiat currency (no doubt on the way to being fully digitised) that continues to tank, as a direct result of our leaders’ own policies, when they could have true custody and full control by holding Bitcoin? Legislation and regulation could be the weapon utilised here to stop people freeing themselves, but this can only scare people and slow the process. Our governments can not stop or ban computer code on the internet, I suppose a corrupt government’s best bet then would be for all our lights to go out.

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To wrap up it’s important to remember that this situation will not last, nothing lasts forever. We are at a very significant fork in time but things will resolve and the direction that we are heading will start to become clear. I hope that direction is one that provides true freedom for all. Do things in live that you enjoy people and try to make the world a better place. We want people in web3, crypto and the future decentralised world from all backgrounds, races, creeds and sex and for genuinely NOBODY to be discriminated against, as opposed to the facade of modern so called ‘diversity and inclusion’ pushed by corporations that control governments that simply help divide.

Have a good day people.

Any crypto donations would be much appreciated

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