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RE: How are you not suspicious of Bitconnect?!?!

in #bitconnect7 years ago

More non-sense regurgitation. No actual research and mostly copy and paste from other half-assed "researchers". At least there's a few out there that have physically gone to the location or called numerous property managers to track them down. But this? This is just lazy. Did you mention the location? Did you mention the tax filings? Did you bother trying to contact them or anyone that went on the Thailand trip? You have any idea how ridiculous you make yourself look when you post a mediocre "scam alert" and trying to fool people into believing you're a seasoned investor? Silver and gold markets are manipulated. This is a proven fact. So I guess that does make you an expert on scams huh? Take some pride in yourself and do a proper investigation with some actual evidence before copy and pasting someone else mediocre post. All you've done is make it more difficult to find legitimate information on them. Congratulation, you've actually helped them...