It was so simple... Then I took a second look at what I had done,
and came to the awareness it is also so fast(~5min).
With a corporate investment market moving at this speed, I don't see how traditional markets are going to keep up.
Good job guys.
I did try poloniex, openledger was much faster in my opinion. Perhaps it is simply the volume of traders in the moment.
Do you mean transfer speed or execution of orders? Both are fast. But not all pairs liquid. It's real fun though when you can wait out the market. Sometimes my orders are in for weeks. That's the best trades.
You can have orders sit for weeks... Cool!
Or, is that only if you are running a BitShares node?
Order execution should always be faster with a centralized system, right?
The transfer, was faster with open ledger.
However, seeing the rate transfers in and out of Poloniex, I'm not surprised.
I am still getting used to bitshares - sometime the spread is a little bigger than other exchanges - but one there is more traders on the platform I think that will change.