Why CitiOS Will Be Very Useful for Infrastructure Development

in #blockchain5 years ago


Human needs are insatiable, but when many of the requirements are met, then the lifestyle of humans would be enhanced. It has been affirmed that clothing, food, and shelter are among the core needs of humans. But what about electricity? Doesn’t it have some inputs to make in bolstering the lives of many people around the world? What about the healthcare sector where hundreds of lives are lost because of the epileptic state of the hospitals and clinics?

Although the United Nations (UN) came up with many needs and categorized them under the Sustainable Goals, only a few countries have been able to meet up with the goals. Now, the CitiOS blockchain platform is here to trigger the sustainable development of many cities in Africa. Among the many things it has to offer is structural health monitoring and solar energy. Without mincing words, there is hope for the underdeveloped countries, because CitiOS is here to meet all their needs.


The CitiOS Street Light
There are no limits to what we can achieve with the maximum supply of electricity. CitiOS had taken the data across Africa and discovered that the region is one of the most under-electrified. The absence of sufficient power supply had aggravated many issues in society today, such as a decrease in tourism and reduction of economic activities. By using alternative sources of energy, such as nuclear power and solar-powered street light, CitiOS would be able to provide electricity to where they are lacking.

As it posited, CitiOS believes that with sufficient electric power supply, job opportunities would abound, thereby, reducing crime rate. It would help to revive the industries, enhance public security through the provision of the street light, and increase tourism.


Structural Health Monitoring
It should be noted that the decays in the global health sector, especially in Africa, are part of the reasons why the healthcare system has been brought to its knees. The demand for structural health monitoring (SMH) is because of its ability to detect issues in the healthcare facilities and providing tips to fix them in a good time.

CitiOS works on this framework by utilizing autonomous IoT in structural health monitoring. That would help in boosting the information-driven ecosystem that gathers data about the healthcare sector. Once healthcare facilities are found to be relapsing, they would either be changed or fixed. That way, human lives would be saved the more.

Frameworks of the CitiOS Project
CitiOS is based on the blockchain technology, which we know can facilitate transactions in real-time, cut off intermediaries, and increase transparency. Aside from the blockchain infrastructure, the project also has a P2P data exchange where data/information gathered so far can be shared among the participants without interference from third parties. There is also the autonomous IoT that works with the MESH network without depending on a central server. Finally, CitiOS has real-time H2M and M2M micropayment networks for hassle-free and low-cost transactions.


Final Words
CitiOS has impressive propositions that would change the world for good. From the healthcare sector to electricity and down to the infrastructural area, the impacts of the project cannot be underestimated. So, it is ideal that the target locations begin to make concerted efforts at thinking towards the integration of the blockchain-based infrastructural network from CitiOS to develop the more.

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writer's info
Bitcointalk username: deodivine1
Profile URL : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1390292


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