One more step for blockchain's mass adaoption : Venezuela allows it's citizens to buy Properties with State Cryptocurrency

in #blockchain7 years ago

Whereas the markets are speculating on a downtrend, Venezuela keeps on taking opportunities where many other see a threat, a buble or something else . The president allows it's citizens to buy Properties with State Cryptocurrency


"Earlier this week Venezuela’s head of state said 82.5 million petros had been sold since the launch of the national cryptocurrency in February. The socialist government in Caracas intends to use some of the $735 million collected from the pre-sale to finance the construction of 236,000 new homes."

''Maduro announced that more than 200,000 orders from 133 countries have been placed during the 30 days of the petro pre-sale. He told local TV the total of the orders amounts to $5.25 billion USD. The president also said petros can now be purchased with fiat currencies like Russian rubles, Chinese yuan, Turkish lira and euro, as well as with cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, ethereum and NEM''

With that major step for cryptocurrencies,the blockchain is on it's way !

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Para los venezolanos comprar esa moneda es casi imposible con un sueldo mensual de 5 dólares, es decir debería trabajar un año completo sin gastar en mas nada para poder comprar un Petro, por lo que la adquisición de esa moneda quedará para los extranjeros o para los nuevos millonarios de la "revolución". En el exterior se ve como una maravilla pero dentro del país es un vomitivo pensar en esa moneda, al ver el grado de destrucción donde la gente se muere de hambre por el alto costo de los alimentos, y el que no se arrodilla a la revolución no come, escasez de medicamentos y servicios públicos destruidos. Considero que el Petro es una moneda del diablo y los que la compren se unirán a esa danza maligna de destrucción y muerte al apoyar una revolución que asesina lentamente a su pueblo.