This raises some relevant questions, but I'd say they are hardly limited to 5G. In fact, electricity itself poses many issues, and I know people who have moved house for the sole reason that there were many electrical wires running on poles just meters from their house. They did not want the exposure to those amounts of electricity, and their fears were probably well founded.
And what about cell phones themselves. Their safety has long been a topic of debate. Some people will not carry a cellphone on their person, only in a bag. Others are adamant that they will not use a cellphone, simply because of the electro-magnetic fields.
Dear @majes.tytyty
Thank you for your comment.
That make sense. The problem with 5G seem to be is that antennas need to be very close to each other so it may be hard to move to another house, which wouldn't be affected. At least that's how I understand this problem so far.
It seem that rich and developed countries will be testing 5g technology on it's citizens :) Luckily I'm not from rich and developed country :)
I like the way you phrased "will be testing 5G tech on its citizens." Sounds ominous. I'm staying here in Thailand. :-)
I wish you would be my daddy and I could stay with you in thailand @majes.tytyty :)
But you're to young for that hehe