What Makes People Afraid To Join And Invest On Blockchain?

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

Yesterday a friend of mine was so upset and angry, she told me that she could not believe people are reluctant to learn about blockchain. They are willing to join, but only for the shake of getting the coins for free which means they can get money easily. They are not join because they want to join blockchain community, they even do not want to know aboout it. She was then thinking and asked me, what makes people afraid to join and invest on blockchain. Why blockchain is so frightening yet for a lot of people in Indonesia?

Source: https://www.comconnectionsny.org/news/c20-news/bon-voyage-duncan-bethel/

When we talked about something new and advance, we have to think as well about what is today and before. I remember the first time this world recognize compute, it is so difficult to make people willing to use it for a lot of reasons. There were people who reluctant to use computer to type, type writer and hand-writing were still their first choice. It took years for this entire world to understand and accept it, sadly, it is a proof that most people in this world are not having futuristic thinking and they are willing to open just because it is trend and trendy.

They do not want to know the framework of computer technology which will always developed, they just want to use it for their own benefits. Even now, when we are talking about those who are interested in IT, they don’t care about it, they think that they are really cool and trendy because they know how to use up to date and trending applications. If you ask them if they have ideas about new application which is totally new and never been exist before, well, you will be very disappointed.

I don’t think it is wise to get upset and angry about what happened to people who afraid to join and invest on blockchain, or even to those who do not want to learn more about blockchain. It is very normal and common for common people, extraordinary people will think differently. They will have vision about the future, learn about it deeply, and make some plans and programs, do their best to be as advance as possible, as early as possible. This extra ordinary people will never try to lead, but they are continuously leading the path of the future, they are not follower, they are the ideas! So,it is useless to spend time thinking about them, even angry to them will not give them understanding. It is much better to move forward and find someone else who at least willing to try to learn and understand.

Source: https://libquotes.com/jawaharlal-nehru/quote/lbu8a8j

I could easily get mad as well when there is someone who talked to me that blockhain and cryptocurrency very much against his religion. He explained to me about the existing financial and economic systems that he believes it is not against his religion at all. Well, it is not easy when we have to argue everything which then related to religion, I do believe that your religion is yours, and mine is mine, if that’s what he believes then it is fine. I will be the looser if I follow his game of mind, but I can’t win either if I do not give what we need. There is no point to upset and argue, it is so useless and just wasting my precious time. Most people think they do understand, but in fact they never understand, they just want to be understood. That is why I never debate or discuss further with him, I gave him what he wants that he will never ever be able to give to others, which is understanding.

Attract other people to join without giving any good information that blockchain and cryptocurrency are about future investment and it is the future, will not help people to be educated. As we are in here, I think it is not about how to be success on Steem that we need to explain for the basic framework, it is about why we need to be join Steem and we need to be able to compare it with others. It is not about which one that is much easier to get reward, but we need to explain further especially its algorythym of its vision. There are so many crypto currency out there, and we need to understand each of them to know what is the best in the future. So, we will not get too upset just like today, there are so many people left just because the value of every token is falling dawn. Though some understand that it is actually the best time to invest and get more Steem, but we have to admit that only a few of us who really understand all the reasons.

When we talk about a new concept of economics, we should also understand the whole concept of politics, finance, trade and all which relates to the economics. I might say we better take a look all aspects in our life since all are very much relates to the economics concept and strategy. Blockchain is just about technology, it is about a new idea of having a new way of economic system, to change everything that I centralized into decentralized. It will not be that easy to change people’s mind who used to the centralized system, to understand about it. We need them to think and to learn about it first, then let them decide their own future. Freedom is what we are trying to achieve with blockchain, but we have to understand that a lot of people out there who can not even free themselves.

So, when someone ask me why people afraid to join and invest on blockchain, my answer is because this world is full of ordinary people who have fear of the change. That is why, only extra ordinary people who have great ideas on blockchain who continue develop their ideas and creates a lot of programs that success on blockchain today and tomorrow. They are so ready to face the future, and very much confident to accept all the changes. They are not that kind of person who waits for the world to come to them with trend, they come to the world with their own ideas and being themselves. Blockchain is about mind set and strategy to have a better world and future, it is not about how to get rich and being powerful that already planted in our mind for centuries.

Source: http://rambleonfss.blogspot.com/2015/12/making-changes.html

This is just my opinion, to answer questions about this that have been asked to me a lot of time. We can answer this questions from a lot of different views, and I answer it from psychososial point of view. If you have another opinion from another point of view, please do write it on the comment. It will help a lot for others to learn more. Thank you.

Bandung, 10 September 2018

Warm Regards,

Mariska Lubis


Mungkin belum familiar makanya masih banyak yang ragu

Ya, biasanya memang begitu... harus trend dulu baru yakin...

So, when someone ask me why people afraid to join and invest on blockchain, my answer is because this world is full of ordinary people who have fear of the change.

Sadissssss 😂
But anyway thanks for answering my questions indirectly.
Actually, I wrote that question on my latest post.. Haha

Itulah makanya saya menulis supaya bisa menjawab tulisanmu hehehe...

Alasaaan.. Kk kan tidur.. Hahaha

Hai kakak mariska lubis, salam sejahtera selalu, buat kakak, dan sukses selalu untuk @mariska.lubis

salam hangat selalu... sukses untuk semua...

Selamat malam kakak mariska lubis, salam santun untuk buat kakak, sukses selalu, semoga kakak selalu sehat, sukses buat kakak @mariska.lubis

sukses juga untukmu ya...

hi @mariska.lubis worth putting in our brains post, Keep sharing with us such great ideas.

Selamat malam kakak @mariska.lubis, salam sukses ya.

sukses untukmu selalu...

Salam sukses selalu kak,,,

sukses juga ya untukmu...

Waduhh, ternyata masih ada orang yang seperti itu, maunya enaknya saja, tanpa mau berusaha. Mereka harus di kasih pemahaman lebih dalam dalam lagi kayaknya, jangan mau instannya saja.

namanya manusia, bukan hanya sedikit tapi memang kebanyakan ya seperti itu...

betul mbak 😊

Buang yang keruh ambik yang jernih, salam sukses selalu buat kakak,semoga yang baik akan berkekalan.

Betul sekali, kita selalu bisa ambil hikmah dari keburukan apapun... sukses juga untukmu...

Blockchain adalah tentang mind set dan strategi untuk memiliki dunia dan masa depan yang lebih baik, ini bukan tentang bagaimana menjadi kaya dan menjadi kuat yang sudah tertanam dalam pikiran kita selama berabad-abad.

Saya setuju dengan pendapat kakak.
Seharusnya kita harus berpacu dengan teknologi.
Namun saya sempat juga dioertanyakan oleh teman-teman saya tentang blockhain dan cryptocurrency sangat bertentangan dengan agama!!
Namun saya menanggapi dengan senyuman,karena yang mempertanyakannya kepada saya adalah orang-orang yang Kurang ilmu. Kurang ilmu agama, jua kurang ilmu pendidikan.saya tidak terlalu memperdulikan agar tidak terjadi sebuah perdebatan.
Bagi saya blockhain dan cryptocurrency merupakan perkembangan yang akan menuju prises kehidupan ekonomi yang strategis.

Terimakasih kakak
Salam hangat dan sehat selalu pastinya...amin

Salam sukses selalu

sukses juga untukmu...

Salam hangat selalu,, dari aceh

salam hangat selalu dari Bandung...

Barangkali belum paham betul tentang blockchain, Kak. Jadi dia agak ragu.

Keraguan ditambah tidak mau belajar untuk lebih tahulah yang membuat mati langkah...

Tugas kita bersama menepis & menjelaskan keraguan tersebut ya kak @mariska.lubis meskipun saya sendiri belum begitu paham tentang crytocurrency dan blockchain, hehehe..

ya memang semua harus terus belajar...

Good informative article friend.

thank you...