BlockVault: A matchmaker to bring together crypto, Main Street & Wall Street?

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)
Institutions have the most chips on the table. As a trustee of other people’s money the primary focus of institutions is to ensure that any investment vehicle is safe & sound. That the assets are safe.
While an institution may lose money, it needs an ironclad guarantee that their custodians will not lose their money.


In the crypto space, institutions, like prudent individuals, have had enough reason to be skeptical of crypto assets.

Are there sound, trustworthy investing & trading platforms?

Goldmoney, the anti-moral hazard; the place you run to in a financial crisis, has launched BlockVault: the first insured, third party custodian for digital assets.

BlockVault offers a cold storage solution with third-party insurance, auditing, and public company oversight and transparency, while remaining free of conflicts for ecosystem partners.

Can we have a completely 
monitored, regulated & controlled 
financial system? 

Will any tax authority or regulator 
allow anonymous financial 
transactions, in any form?

Can we build decentralized & 
centralized systems in parallel? 
Do they converge?

Will we pay taxes through smart 

When institutional capital comes 
in, the great wave will reset crypto 
to a higher price. 
Did Wall Street reflexivity make 
this a self-fulfilling prophecy?

Will BlockVault become the investment vehicle for institutions?

  Did we send out an invitation
  to institutions to join the crypto 
  party without being equipped to
  host the party?
  Without  providing tools or means 
  to play?

  How do we restore trust to the 
  financial services professional?      

Is moral hazard embedded in our financial system?

• Moral hazard is the seed of fiat banking.
• The logic of monetary policy is manipulation; to trick people into a value of money to stimulate consumption, as & when needed.
Moral hazard ulimately catches up 
with you. 

There is always the tension between 
liquidity & solvency.
• When institutions become fundamentally insolvent, they assume that they would be bailed out.
Warren Buffet controls the base 
float of the financial system 
through his insurance companies, 
which allows him to have an 
inflationary &  capital advantage 
over everyone else in the system.

The control of the base float 
enables Buffet to fund his
• A currency is a liability; gold & crypto has no liability.
A currency is a debt.
Gold or bitcoin is a proof of work.

Gold or bitcoin is a bearer asset.
The bearer owns the asset, with no 
liability attached to the asset.

Crypto & Wall Street: Is There Common Ground
Max Kaiser, Stacy Herbert, Josh Crumb and Ran Neu-Ner explore "Crypto & Wall Street: Is There Common Ground?" during Consensus NYC 2018.

Do we need everything to be 

Do the masses need some form of 
centralized, goverance & control?

Are we using blockchain for things
that are best centralized?

Learn more about how BlockVault could become the de facto investment vehicle for institutions.

What do you think?

que buena post

¡Gracias! Aquí hay un poco más @carlito

Nice post. Thanks for sharing. I think gold's shortfall is the unknown amounts that the US may have stored decades ago as well as unknown quantities from years of Chinese/Russian mining. Maybe Blockvault is the answer, or similar technology.

Thank you. @tom74

US gold

gold's shortfall is the unknown amounts that the US may have stored decades

Have a look, Thomas

As of November 2017, Fort Knox holdings are 4,582 metric tons (147.3 million oz. troy), with a book value of over $100 billion. In contrast the GDP of the United States was $19.4 Trillion as of 2017 April. Some of the gold in the depository is in the form of monetary gold coins.

Russian & Chinese gold.

unknown quantities from years of Chinese/Russian mining.

• Russia

• China

Blockvault is the answer, or similar technology.

Let’s hope so.