These companies have the worst domain names that can easily be misunderstood.
- If you said 'the rapist', you are wrong.
It's Therapist Finder
- If you said 'power genitalia', you are wrong.
It's PowerGen Italia
the Italian Power Generator company
- If you said 'molestation nursery', you are wrong.
It's the Mole Station Native Nursery, based in New South Wales.
- If you said 'penis land', you are wrong.
It's the Pen Island
- If you said 'cumming first', you are wrong.
It's the First Cumming Methodist Church.
Their website is
- If you said 'got a hoe', you are wrong.
It's Go Tahoe
For the holiday destination in Lake Tahoe?
Hope you had a good laugh with these quite unfortunate domain names?
Which of them cracked your ribs?
Don't forget to upvote & resteem.
Gracias, Obrigado