Let Gratitude Be Your Attitude.

in #blog6 years ago

Hi, dear Steemians!

One thing I have noticed in the life of people around me and which I myself had ever experienced before is difficulty in showing gratitude during a hard time.
It is very easy to be thankful and appreciative when everything with you seems going well; Food on the table, money in the pocket, sound health, stable job, a breakthrough in love relationship, financial stability, etc But being thankful in difficult times can seem impossible.
In this my new post, I will enlighten you on the reasons we should give thanks to God for our lives and show gratitude to people around us at home or workplace or just everywhere.

Text, brick, nyc and handwriting | HD photo by Tatiana Rodriguez (@tata186) on Unsplash
Photo by @tata186

The fastest way to feel bad about yourself is to focus on what you don't have, what you haven't achieved in life, or to compare yourself with others that you feel have achieved more than you have. If you focus on what you haven't achieved yet, you are bound to start regretting by listening to your heart and begins to list your weaknesses as the reasons for not accomplishing yet those goals.

Instead, practice focusing on gratitude. Every day, write down a list of four or five things that you are proud of accomplishing, things that you can be grateful for in your life. This could be your relationships with people around you, people you love and who loved you, your health, your educational achievements, your professional achievements, and other positive aspects of your life. You could even keep a list with you as a reminder in case you face a moment where it's really difficult to focus on the positive side of life. If you train yourself to focus on what you have to be grateful for, you will be amazed at how much more confident and happier in general, you will feel.

Woman, female, sitting and smiling | HD photo by Priscilla Du Preez (@priscilladupreez) on Unsplash
Photo by @priscilladupreez

If you look around in this present life we live, you could see up to five or more people who are wallowing in difficulties situations. People you are better off financially, health-wise, in material possessions, marital blessings and other areas of life.Those who may be looking up to you as someone they aspire to be like.

People are fighting hunger for days without a meal, some people hardly have one meal a day. Some people have nowhere to sleep as a place of shelter for their heads at night. Some houses tenants are being chased up and down for rent payment. Some people have no access to clean & distilled drinking water not to mention hot shower from bathing tubs where you immersed your body daily and get yourself refreshed. Many are in darkness without enjoying electricity lights that give current supply to charge your laptop or smartphone you are using to read this blog. Some people do not have access to basic phones, such people will surely have no smartphone to mention the laptop.

In the other hands, you have the advantages to enjoy almost all these basic needs of life . Can you see how blessed are you and good reasons to feel grateful and let your heart be filled with gratitude? some are even hoping to be alive but they are nowhere to be found today. Yes! some people slept last night but could not wake up this morning and some are even in the hospital right now. The list of the reasons to be grateful to go on and on. All you need to do is to just look around with your eyes & ears open then you will be counting your blessings instead of your failure in life.

I had several encounters with homeles... | HD photo by Steve Knutson (@sknutson) on Unsplash
Photo by @sknutson

There is one surefire way to surround ourselves in negativity- that is by gossiping about others. When we feel bad about ourselves, we tend to look for ways to project those feelings onto others by talking and insulting them behind their back. Instead of indulging in a destructive way of dealing with the negative thoughts in our hearts, we should be focusing on the good side of others instead. Everyone has something valuable about them, so focus on that instead.
Refuse to gossip about others, but instead, pay them compliments. The more you compliment others and show gratitude even over little things you receive or done for you by others, instead of being ungrateful by looking for their mistakes and errors you will likely focus more on your own positive attributes as well. Looking for the best in other people, you will bring out the best in yourself.


Every day of your life is a gift from God.
Don't squander it.
Don't waste it by being angry with anyone.
Don't let it slip away by feeling sorry for yourself.
Be grateful for this precious gift of life and spend it
by being as happy and as thankful as you possibly can.
Let your mind dwell on the good things which have happened to you.
Let gratitude be your attitude.
Think of your assets, and don't let anyone else spoil your day for you.
Enjoy every day of your life to the fullest.
Realize that you can add to the joy of each day by making someone else happy.

-Richard A.Carloy

Stay Blessed Steemians!

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Gratitude is important in life. I try and be grateful every morning for what I have.
I'm new to Steemit. I'm curious, how do you center your images?

Thank you @denershannaidoo for your comment. centering the images has never been easy. So, I am still learning too. my photo attribution is not perfect yet