Little low. Maybe the laptop craptop is to blame! Lol

in #blog29 days ago


Craptop laptop is acting upm won't play dune 2. Or anything else...

Hmmm idk maybe it's time to fix that thing with hammer.

Might help me feel better. Had my feelers kinda hurt over the gal and the mixed signals. That embarrassment won't be repeated.

It's hard enough for a gal to be clearly asked out. It's another thing to be shut down.

Going to work on truck. And getting that ready.

Me and dog are going to have a good summer.


Did you see Dune 2 yet? Sorry to hear the laptop is acting up, that sucks!

Actually that's exactly why I was upset at my crap top!

I was working on downloading and transferring this crappy dune to file and I was really upset that this crap file wouldn't play past 17 minutes or something.

My other two movies out of darkness and Max Payne with Mark Wahlberg also were giving me all sorts of problems until I discovered that the downloading program that I was using to download those decided to spaz out and quit working meaning that it didn't download the files all the way. However I was able to update my video players and download everything..


So yes I rewatched the highlights of dune to to include the coliseum fight scene and also the final knife fight.

The coliseum knife fight it was actually really excellently done. Is really impressed with the strip disarm and counter finish.

Too bad Dune 2 didn't work, I still want to see it but may have to wait until it's streaming...

The pirate bay finally released the DVD quality copies. It's ok. Definitely not amazing.

I'm dying that Christopher Walken is the broke emperor. The brokest emperor in the history of dune.

This version is going to go into the next book dune Messiah. Which is just going to be some stupidity.

If they were smart they would have done the prequel books. Those were actually excellent.

Craptop laptop is acting upm won't play dune 2. Or anything else...

My laptop has ddr 3 12 gb of ram still it has issues with running chrome browser even :(.

Technology sucks. And I need a real laptop.

I heard that the 32 gb ddr 4 ram Lenovo thinkpad are there to be bought via ebay and these are 8th generation intel i7/i5 this was too good to be true but I checked my self even if ram is low you can add ram by your self and should be minimum DDR4 32 gb ram for old games and chrome browser to run smoothly. I recently told my maternal uncle as he is in USA and he is visiting our place to bring a refurbished laptop for me so I hope I get a good laptop for my self. Farmer if you interested in buying a good laptop ill discuss with you further and try to look for a 100 dollars laptop for you from ebay as you in USA.

I'm looking for a lot more and have btc to pay with. Think I might be a little bit able to get what I want .

Which laptop you looking to buy and what is your budget? Are you going for a 2k dollars gaming laptop with rtx 4070 and DDR5 ram

Well we will see what I co.e across. But maybe get that 2k laptop for half price if Bitcoin? I'm down. Nearly there with my btc accumulation.

Please share specs of laptop if you went on to buy it. Sadly the 1k dollars ones have got only rtx 4050 but heard it runs all games in 1080p but no 1440p