Weekend and week summary

in #bloglast month

Hi, guys!

This week I had a great time stepping up my exercise routine. So far, not as much as I would really like, but I understand that I am now working at the limit of my body’s capabilities and I need to wait a little while it adapts to the load. Of course, I don’t want to wait, I want to get the result right away, but unfortunately that doesn’t happen, and I’ll have to be patient. I’m wondering how long it will take for me to return to sports hypnastics, because for now I don’t risk doing this, because I’m worried that I won’t be able to do much and it will upset me, which means it will reduce my motivation to practice.

I'll have two workouts tonight, one on the pole and one on stretching. I’m very scared, but I understand that this fear is irrational, so I try to abstract myself from it and tune in to a positive mood. It's not turning out very well yet, but it's just one more thing to work on. Tomorrow I have a meeting with my psychotherapist and I will try to ask her this question. My psychiatrist also recommended me a book called “freedom from anxiety.” I have already bought it, but have not yet started reading it, I plan to do so in the coming days. Now I still can’t finish reading “The Secret History” by Donna Tart; I’ve been struggling with it for almost a week. It is very difficult to read because it is printed in very small font. But I hope that I will definitely finish reading it over the weekend.

Starting next week I’m going to add more workouts to my schedule, I need to do more strength training, because now I’ve set myself the task of building a strong muscle corset. The task is a little complicated by the fact that my back is very sore, and I need to go to a massage therapist, I also plan to do this next week. Yesterday I picked up new protein samples from the mail, I’ll try them today :)



