Starting my second novel

in #blogyesterday

Hi, guys!

Today I am starting to write the second part of my novel, and I am trying not to be nervous about it. In fact, I was already so nervous while writing and editing the first one that I don’t have any strength left to be nervous about the second one, so I think I will do it calmly. I want to write the main part in March, finish it completely in April and finish editing in May. Well, and then write the third part over the summer. In principle, it seems to me that it is possible to develop a greater speed than writing one book in three months, but I had a very bad February, so for now I am not very confident in my abilities. Let's see how it goes.

For now, my plan is that in the morning I work on the book until it is time to go to training, then I go and train, and in the evening I rest, and the next day I repeat. Today I will start practicing exactly this approach, we will see where it leads. For now, I am just getting started, but I hope that it will be productive. If I work like this every day, I should be able to do it in the end.

I have another game of DnD tonight, so I'll have a chance to take a break and relax. I'm also waiting for a consultation with my supervisor, and as always, I'm looking forward to it with great impatience, because I need this feedback, and I'm really looking forward to meeting with the publisher, because again, I need to understand whether they'll take me on. I really want to be accepted. This is a very exciting moment, I really need to understand whether I've succeeded or not, and I'd like to know as soon as possible.

Now I'll make myself some coffee and sit down to work on the second part. Nothing has been written yet, so I have a little fear of a blank sheet. But I think that as soon as I sit down to work, it will disappear. I can immediately take into account the mistakes I made while working on the first part, so it will be much easier, and I also have new betas for the first part, I hope they will say something new.

Have a great day everyone!








