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RE: Milestones Are Important, But The Next One Is Always More Imortant

in #blog7 years ago

I also appreciate the time and effort you are putting into your blog here!

I think the family connections you maintain are a very important asset. Parents and grandparents can provide comfort, information and an example to follow.

I'm a big fan of a brilliant psychologist named Steven Pinker who recently has been writing about how the world is getting better in just about every measurable way over time, of course not in a straight line, there are ups and downs. You might be interested in some of his great books and you can find videos of him on YouTube. There is good reason to be optimistic about the future in general, and yours in particular since you will be college educated in a good versatile major soon.

I hope you have time and interest to continue your writing here. I enjoy your posts! :)


Thanks for your reply, I'm happy you like my content.

I've heard about things getting better despite the apocalyptic news cycle. It's probably best to take things with a grain of salt, after all bad news sell better than good ones. You can easily forget that...

Thanks for pointing me to Steven Pinker, I will take a look at his videos.