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RE: Hey @fulltimegeek, what about asking for 10yr old little girls not to be sexualized pissed you off so much?

in #blog5 years ago

That doesn't make any sense. If I came here because I thought this was a censorship free platform, why would I flag people for their opinions?

I have bought a few Steem but I sold it all after seeing that this network is very far away from being a censorship free platform. Now I don't even put much effort in my posts, as I know I will be flagged for speaking my mind.

I don't care if they are doing anything good or not because as long as they defend cyberbullying, every good they do is nullified by their lack of actions against opinion flagging.


I dont know why you would flag them. You just seem like the kind of guy that would do it, from reading the arguments you make and misjudging some folks.

Theres a difference between cyberbullying and censorship. Flag isnt really censorship but it can be a bully tactic.

Posted using Partiko Android

Or your ongoing trolling of that account.. but let’s just ignore the facts...

Funny, I’ve stated lots of facts and you still haven’t been able to pull one out of your ass.

Your political content for the last month wasn’t flagged, so you can keep crying censorship even though it’s pretty clear that when you troll, you receive a flag.. when you don’t troll, you don’t receive a flag.. now come on, yesterday you said you understood math. Did you learn any logic with that?

Post what you want and stop trolling people and expecting nothing to come from it I guess. I’ve seen that statement said to you many times, it seems you just like to play the victim.

Like I said before, stop trolling and I’ll fight uncalled for flags.. if you’re a troll though, there’s nothing to help with.

Also, btw.. this “you guys” thing is getting old. This is me talking, on my blog, because you came here bitching so I’m trying to give you advice. If you want anyone else’s opinion you’ll have to talk to them.

Glad you at least know what your ass is for, that’s a win for you!

Have fun on MeWe 👋

Oh and I don’t care what you post, I don’t read your blog. 😄

Have a splendid day! 🙌🏼

Now I don't even put much effort in my posts, as I know I will be flagged for speaking my mind

You realize people can actually read things on the blockchain right?

you hadn’t been flagged for well over a month.

You know since your last post about berniesanders, which of course was your highest earner. I mean I get why you do it, ftg rewards you well for trolling so he can claim innocence.

But you really are not fooling anyone. You run your mouth, then you get flagged and cry censorship. So, yeah.. 😐

Feel free to keep calling me names though, if makes you feel better.