Man has the need to carry out a series of physical functions for his survival: feeding, dressing, reproducing among many other things ... and as a thinking animal must comply with others of its necessary nature. For all that, it must move. And transportation arises, which serves to move things and people.
In transport we must consider three fundamental factors: the road, the vehicle and the driving force.
Before they invented cars, they used:
After the need arose to transport things with greater volume and whose weight could not be supported by a single animal, there was supposed the creation and subsequent impulse of the wheel. Which appeared in prehistory and has been one of the greatest and most wonderful inventions in our history
It is said that the invention of the wheel arose by the roller that was used by the most primitive peoples for the transport of heavy objects was gradually thinning until the ends became independent
From the shaft, thus giving way to the wheel
The wheel allowed the evolution of the means of land transport and the arrival of man to more distant places and each time in less time
The immediate application of the wheel would result in the vehicle that has been based on land transport for millennia
1769 the first steam-powered vehicle was created by Nicholas-Joseph, which was a real tricycle with wooden wheels, iron wheels and weighed 4.5 tons.
The cars
But as we already know times change and cars too. As technological advances have taken place over time, car models have been modernized and changed with new equipment and improvements
This was all I hope you like until then