Rant: Why Liberals are fascists, and why their lives suck

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

First of all - let's distinguish between classical liberalism (laisezz faire capitalism, minarchy, taxation is theft, ancaps etc) and liberalism (the Hillary voter, the SJW, the muh unfair)


I think you all know who I'm talking about. In fact, there's a pretty big chance you are that person. This is going to be a 100% incoherent rant. No fact checks, no spelling bees involved. Just 100% pure viking-rant.

Now that you are done rolling your eyes over what you probably consider a "tabliod" header - let's get to it.


Liberals want freedom - but only for themselves

The thing that often astound me about so called liberals, is how unliberal they often are. Just today I read a post where someone said something like;

We must stand behind the truth that the majority has decided

Or something insane like that. What he meant was that we must all stand together, and eliminate those who are "wrong". Pretty much the same ideology that fostered nazi Germany. We - the collective is right, and the deviant must be eliminated.

This guy probably misspoke a little bit. And even though I'm sure he WANT's the best, his methodes are totally wrong. Hitler was the guy in a party who just wants everyone to get along, and just please don't argue. I hate arguing. Can't we all just be friends and agree? Why can't everyone just agree with me? There is this guy in the corner there who refuses to agree and in fact he's sort of an outsider. Let's just thrown him out of the balcony and pretend he never existed. Perfect. Everyone agrees now? Yay! We ALL agree now!

The problem with this is of course that in a truly free society people will disagree, A LOT. And it is also by disagreeing we are able to reach different concensus as well. In science we must prove something wrong. We bring forward a hypothetis, and we try to bust it. We don't bring forward a hypothetis and try the best we can to mold the world around us to fit into hat hypothesis.

Liberals lack values and are weak

Nihilism, relativism, sarcasm (or generation saracsm as we call my generation in Norway) is the way of the liberal. It has been going on so long that we can see it in the average 50 year old as well as 20 year hold.

Liberals make fun of everything that represent themselves. It's OK to be "even ironic" (is it called that?) to make fun of yourself. But to constantly, without exception disparage and downgrade yourself, your child, your work and your life is not healthy. Liberals do this. They make fun of or joke about or are sarcastic about everyhting that is Western. Everything that represent themselves. "Nah..my work sucks" "I did horrible" "Meh.the holliday was boring. I didn't do anything spectacular." "Just another boring weeekend with the family" It's like they won't allow themselves to actually enjoy anything in life. Perhaps they do. I don't know. But they don't want to give the impression that they are satisfied or content with life. Even though they in many ways should be. (I'm talking from a norwegian perspective here. Picture the typical middle class scandinavian)

But when it comes to critizicing for instance Islam! Oh lord..it get's quiet around the table if someone even mentions the unmentionable. Sure, bash christians! Those crazy fucks, right!? They're insane! With their praying and Bible reading. ROFLFUCKINGMAO! They're so stupid. I fucking LOVE science man!

Weak. And lack values. Their "values" are just superficial nonsense and in fact not even values, like flower power or diversity is strenght. Just words without meaning. Like, diversity is only strenght if the diverse society is working towards a common goal - and share some of the same values. Values can be things like honesty or valor or even pride. Diversity is not a value. Neither are love nor peace. They are results of certain values. Not values themselves.


Liberals claim to fight fascism, but are in fact the real fascists

This is one of the things that amaze me the most with SJW's. That they don't see the flawed logic is to me incredible, and in a way scary. They claim that conservatives, or "MAGA's" or Altrights or all these people, are so dangerous that there is no point of listening to their arguments. There is no point in discussing. They are beyond that now. You should only punch them.

This kind of behaviour is as close to actual nazis as you can get. To dehumanise an entire group of people into being so dangerous that they can't even be spoken to or argued with. Liberals might claim that that's how maga's act towards immigrants. But from a conservative / right wing perspective, there is something called laws and rules and order that should function properly to keep a society together. So, no illegals.

And I agree to that. Even though I don't think we need a state to enforce it. All we need is in fact to abolish the state so that people are free to organize their own voluntary societies. It saddens me deeply, that so called anarchists and liberals aren't actual liberals (in the classical sense) They are just fascists or statists calling for government inteverntion. They run to the government with their demands. And they are like spoiled brats now.

What's the newest thing? Feminists in the US going to abolish all words that have "man" in them? (Mankind etc, I assume) Even the Cucknadian cuck-minister interefered a question and corrected the woman who said "mankind". He corrected her to say "peoplekind". I mean, this is the level of insanity these people are operating on. They don't have any actual problems, except the ones that they constantly put themselves in (because god forbid that they should take responsiblity in their own lives) so they create this fake oppression that they suffer under. Meanwhile, in the middle east women and children and gays are actually being tortured, stoned and thrown off roofs, cut to pieces etc.

And here, in the west, they are crying about idiotic things like mansplaning and fight to implement thought crime. Well done feminists. You are making it really easy for all the islamists you are so keen on inviting in.

What's the reason for this insanity

There could be many reasons. From throwing the ultimate shit test on straight white men - women are unconcsciously trying to see how much they can get away with. Even going as far as trying to cuck white men to islamists. Well..that's a door I wouldn't really want to open..

It could be the Frankfurt School marxists who the last 60-70 years have infected the culture. They realized they couldn't create communism through economics, so they did it with culture wars.

It could also be the collective behaviour all people have, that hinders us from freedom. And will hinder us forever. Even though a few mischeifs and outcasts long for personal freedom doesn't mean most average Joe's will. We often also see a correlation between IQ and collectivism. Low IQ means a lower sense of self, and a pull towards collectivism. High IQ countries are often more liberal in the classical sense - like Japan, South Korea, USA and Europe. But everything is possible I guess. Germans are smart people - yet they fucked up twice with wars and nazism, and this time they are willingly destroying themselves again. North Koreans are probably just as smart as South Koreans. Yet they ended up with communism and all the fruits that gives..


Altruism - the evil disquised as good

But more often I think it's because liberal lives just suck. Bad parents who were a product of cultural marxism did not teach any good values to their kids. All they teached was altruism. "Be kind", "Give", "Share". And we all know that's bullshit. (Actually, almost no one knows that - ironically) People preach this nonsense on auto pilot. "Be unselfish". Well..who are the people saying these things? It's the people who have nothing to offer anyone else. Or it's the two faced evil scumbags of corporate business. Smug CEO's saying exactly what they know the masses loves to hear.

Many liberals have very little to offer other people. And the more you have to offer, the more you realize that it has value. Because having something to offer has had a price. You had to read a lot. You watched inspirational videos and personal growth videos when others watched Lost(??!). You saved money while others wasted. You figured out what exactly were important things to learn in the current society. You didn't just study arts and then cried about there not being enough art-jobs out there or whatever. Actually, I was one of those as well. But eventually, I just said to myself - fuck this, I fucking fucked up. I am fucking up in everything I do. I chose the wrong shit all the time, and I blame it on bad luck or circumstances.

Well, there are no circumstances. Sure there are some, but in general we all go through pretty much the same stuff.

People who invest a lot of time into learning, understanding and reading about KNAWLEDGE in their garage library end up with skills that are desirable. They now have something to offer other people. Something that the market likes. No one gives a shit about your shitty art or your writing course (unless you actually work your ass of and become one of the five people that year that makes money on writing books)

The best lesson for these people will always be - read Ayn Rand and do what is best for you. And if you dig deep, that is not studying feminism. Because first you have to actually understand what is best for you. You are wrong when you make the criteria of why you want to study feminism. It's based on some sick altruist ideal that you, holy you, will be so great at convincing other people to give you money so that you can implement special rights for yourself. But almost all of the liberals chosing that path end up miserably in a small rental appartment or in their parents basement working at McDonalds.

And they would have had much greater lives if they identified and embraced their own ACTUAL selfish needs and goals. Like when you are on an airplane and you are instructed to put on your OWN mask first, before helping the person next to you. That's because, if you are not wearing a mask while helping someone else, chances are wont have enough oxygen to help that person - before you both pass out.

But this is where practice and theory crashes for the liberal. They also have a fundamental error in their view of humans. They believe that humans are inherently bad (which sort of correlates with christianity in a funny way - with the original sin and all) and need a state to take care of them.

I'm not going to wrap it up nicely, so I'll just end there. This was way too long anyway - but when a rant is pushing it's way out it has to come out.



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Nice ..
Great article thanks .. Liberalism like other ideas
Anything more than itself turns against him
Well done Post great

While I do agree with some points in your rant @onmindset, this is not a trait that is endemic to a generation.

For example, during the french revolution a lot of the values that you list(sarcasm, nihilism, etc) were also adopted. I chose this example so you could have a clear sense of the connection between those two.

I live in the United States, so I can only speak for what is going on here. You can graduate university, prepare and get good grades, get a job and still struggle for years to pay back loans with a measly pay. Does that make sense in the richest nation on earth? It does not to me. How does it make sense that .01% of the population has most of a country's income? It does not. You can't tell me that .01% is responsible for more than half of that nation's production.

These values that we have in america are a product of a degradation of social values and lack of parenting. This lack of parenting comes from capitalists push to suck every penny out of their own population. And here you have a perfect mix of lack of hope, lack of a clear path, lack of fairness and lack of parenting. That is my generation. And when the game is stacked against any big group of people... you know what they like to do... they reset the game.

I am a libertarian but conservatism in America is a shitshow, specially after Trump. I am a catholic and he does not represent me. Right now, I align with liberals.

Youre a libertarian but not a capitalist. Google laissez faire. You dont have capitalism in usa. Yoy have elements of it. Fractions. You were close in the 50s and 60s. Blacks did great. Children grew up with 2 parents etc. Today 80% of black kids grow up without a dad. Has thebus become more racist? Doesnt make sense. Its because state disables people and destroys family values. Thevsame way it destroys capitalism and corrupt it into something ugly

Ok @onmindset, so we agree that we don't have real capitalism in USA. So who defines capitalism? Does the US define it? Or do scandinavian countries do? Because from our perspective, you have a capitalist/socialist hybrid as Bernie Sanders put it. In fact liberals in the US want a scandinavian form of government. And before you come to me with different names and definitions and dates, remember definitions can change. I recommend to just use a word different than capitalism altogether.

You remind me of the crowd who was against FDR(the guy who initiated a lot of safety nets that you guys are using now) and with Reagan. The same crowd that has led us into this shithole. You have to understand that a straight up capitalist and meritocracy will not work. We must as a species know that helping those that are weaker is in our best interests in the long term while at the same time encouraging and promoting success.

Check out @charitybot reply and understand that one thing is to tear systems down(what happened here) and another one is to change them. Scandinavian countries have some of the best systems in the world, if not the bests.

It's weird how people (in this case, you) claim that capitalism won't work, even though it has never been tried. But socialism, yeah..let's try that over and over and over again. It always ends up in tears - but let's just try it ONE more time :)

Listen - I understand that it's easy to be seduced by how scandinavia is portrayed. Sweden is damn near destroying itself with immigration. Old people are dying in their downshitten beds and the police are quitting their jobs at record speeds. It's a society in slow decay.

In Norway, a country that I know even better, I can agree that it looks good on the surface. And it's not that bad. But it's a strange society. Everyone is equally medicore. We have half the population on welfare, anxiety, depression and straight up welfare frauds. 5% of all children are taken by the child protective system. It's gone too far, even people working there admits it. We have very little innovation due to terrible schools. We score very bad even though we are one of the richest countries in the world. We have only one college in the top 100.

That being said, we are intelligent and hard working people. But it is also a little bit of a lie that we have always been a capitalist hybrid society. In the 80s and 90s we were pretty much as capitalist as any country has ever been. Same with Sweden. And guess what..that's when we blossomed. Innovation was incredible - especially in Sweden. But as they (and us) has gone more towards socialism..our society has decayed.

We have bad health care. Bad schools. Bad education. We have to wait up to 2 months to get an appointment at the doctor. Most people just pay for private health insurance instead. I guess you don't see Michael Moore report on that? ;)

I am not socialist... nor do I think it works. I believe in fair reward for innovation and free market but you need nets so people don't fall off it. No system is perfect and systems need change according to the situation.

Yes, the open borders was a very bad idea. Everyone agrees on that.

Mediocre? By whose standard. Scandinavia has some of the best human development index. Bad schools? Bad education? You have some of the best scores worldwide. Again, by whose standards? It's good to push forward but it's also important to keep things in perspective.

No really. We rank terrible. Bedtime now. Ill cough up some rankings tomorrow. Thanks for the discussion btw! Thumbs up

No one is going to approach your post, probably, and it would be dumb of me to, but I will because I enjoy being dumb on occasion.

Of course they are going to open the borders. Of course they are going to let an out-group entrench itself at your doorsteps. Of course they are going to silence dissent on the matter. Of course they want to make it politically incorrect to talk about such matters. Then there will always be two opposing sides and no position of understanding both.

Don't let what happened to the US (and many other countries) happen to your countries. I was considering posting a post of my own about this topic because I had seen some... interesting posts from certain people from countries like yours but I might as well just say some of those things here.

Okay, I'm sure you've pored over a lot of the facts and data already so I think I can dispense with citing anything, everything is easily searchable.

But a TL;DR would be that in creating an image of a Muslim welfare queen as they did in the US with the image of the black welfare queen, they can dismantle safety nets used by everyone by appealing to the conservative's desire to constrain resource use to whites, they're going to try the same approach in Scandinavian countries with African/Arab immigrants, as they have in Britain with Poles and other immigrants, as they tried in Australia with Asians, etc. etc. etc.

Everyone is a little bit correct, everyone's getting a little bit pissed off, everyone needs to realize that you can't have out-groups in chicken and egg problems of "they don't get hired because they aren't integrated, but they won't integrate themselves because they won't get hired" which are statistically, scientifically true outcomes of minority groups a lot of the time and depending on which ones you're talking about in certain countries could easily be solved, but the host nation enjoys playing a game where integration is made impossible just as an excuse to mess with everyone.

Scandinavian is back!!! :D

Sharp from the first to the last sentence

i appreciate with you

I do agree on some part of your post.

Thanks! Appreciate it

🎉 Congrats 🍾

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It is a success, you truly deserved. It is an achievement you have truly earned. Well Done.

Identity politics is for losers because each identity group is based upon a victim narrative. The prerequisite is that you feel like a victim.

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Post is very amazing right and very useful, hopefully I can like you fore,

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Great to find you and follow you. Since you mentioned both Japan and charity, you might like this clip.

hahaha all these labels I aint got a clue, but good rant sir!
I do see what your saying though of course, I couldnt read or watch news especially often though or id be ranting every hour hahaha!

Great stuff enjoyed it! Very accurate

Bang on!

You didn't just study arts and then cried about there not being enough art-jobs out there or whatever. Actually, I was one of those as well. But eventually, I just said to myself - fuck this, I fucking fucked up.

With you there, man. Did a postgrad degree in Art History, buggered about for a few years, then thought fuck this and now I'm a farmer. Way better, way cooler, way more responsible.

Sorry, I don't have time for an in depth read and reply. I agree in part with some of your criticisms, and I do think the liberal philosophy has given us great gains but is in a stage of ä bit too much".

However, the argument is probably a bit more nuanced than ALL liberals want this extremism. I would think that I would identify myself as liberal leaning, but I disagree with excesses of the extreme.

When I get back, I will try to post a proper answer.

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Okay, now that I've had time to read a digest.

I think I agree in principle with what I think the core argument is. That liberalism carried to extreme can just be excuses or a limiting of speech and thought.

Despite the fact that if pressed I would describe myself as liberal, I do not agree with this extreme form of liberalism. But I think that problem is if you identify yourself with an ideology (of any stripe). In this case, you set yourself up against both real and imagined enemies (in the case of liberal ideology, the fear of offence), and you end up being defined by what you oppose rather than what you stand for.

So, I think in general I agree in part with you, but I wouldn't say that the extreme represents best the philosophy. I would also argue that it is not even the dominant force, only the most vocal.

Great article, and you punched it up with graphics really nicely! I just listened to an excellent podcast by Dan Bongino Ep 664 "Are Liberals Losing the Culture War?". He made an excellent point: that liberals/democrats/globalists (they are all one stinky stew to me) just want to keep pushing for control. They hide that with the cover of "we are the party for the poor" but that is just nonsense.
So, I agree with your article. These are scary times in a way. The deep state wants to silence and control all of us and they are doing it through MSM and the Democrats.