A Look Into My Life

in #blog2 years ago

I haven't posted on Hive in the longest time. This won't do! I plan to start making posts each weekday on a particular theme. I will write about the following topics on this platform:

  • Monday: Splinterlands cards
  • Tuesday: Showing my opening source programming
  • Wednesday: Coding tutorials
  • Thursday: My hobbies
  • Friday: Journaling

Monday: Splinterlands Cards

I spend a lot of time researching Splinterlands cards. I believe these cards will be a good value investment for the foreseeable future. Every week, I will share the cards that I believe have the best value (the coolest looking).

Tuesday: Open Source Programming

I used to have a podcast called Sam's Coding Fun Time Hour. I invited guests to talk about their work and interests. Ironically, I lost interest in interviewing. I plan to resurrect this show to share my coding process with those who don't know where to get started.

Wednesday: Coding Tutorials

I know a lot about programming languages and tools. I want to share what I know because there is a chance that I can explain a topic in a new way that helps someone understand. The first week will cover the basics of python coding.

Thursday: My Hobbies

Sometimes I do cool stuff and take pictures of it. I need a place to share! Hiking, Broadway shows, and good food; what more can you ask for?

Friday: Journaling

I need to keep myself accountable to my goals. Obsessive goal-setting and tracking can get in the way of life, but not having any can lead to stagnation. I do my best to find a middle way.


What do you do for journaling? I've been interested in trying it, but the blank slate is daunting.

I use my own variant of the Theme System by CGP Grey

Oh! I'm actual somewhat familiar with that channel! Haven't seen this video though, will definitely check it out!

Keep up the great work!

Nice list of your full day 😀🎉😀🎉😀🎉😀🎉😀🎉 life🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 enjoy😊😊😊 every single day😀🎉😀🎉😀🎉.