Riding At Bavarian.

in #bloglast year (edited)

I didn't want to load up the quads today. Too much to be done, but it was beautiful and we wanted to go down to Kentucky anyway for a wedding.

Two main goals were to find a camping spot and a way around the dump.

Not going through the dump is a good idea for keeping tires from getting punctured as much. Plus, more trails is just better than dump, imo.

It would be cool to lay out some established trails and split times to see how we are staking up. It will be a good way to compare machines, which will help us with affiliate links, especially over time.

This is where Will got trench foot with did seem to bite him later in the day.

This is where we started trying to connect the dots and went in the woods to cut through a bit early.

We took turns beating this random dead tree.

We also payed the price of our inability to navigate by unnecessarily climbing this ridiculous hill which this picture does zero justice to. I don't know what kind of damn fool climbs that with a quad. It is at the absolute limit or slightly beyond traction even in these good conditions.

I told the boys to go fetch me my bike so I could go down the "easy" way, so @liljespy did it. @william-gregory threatened him with me swan diving on Luke's head if he let my bike tumble down the hill.

The end.

Back to working on the Raptor in the morning.


I had A Blast. Looking forward to doing this again, although I'm not climbing another hill like that. 😂

Something tells me you probably will.