Did you know? #59 - The Science Behind Déjà Vu

in #blog7 years ago

The Science Behind Déjà Vu

Déjà vu is a sensation that most humans have experienced at some point or another in their life. It’s a feeling that you’ve genuinely done what you’re doing now, but before—perhaps in another life, or a dream, or in another realm. In some instances, people find that they are somehow already familiar even with a specific object that they’ve never even seen or heard of before. Some people who experience Déjà vu may only experience it for a few moments at a time, and others endure it for upwards of a half an hour. In this article, we’ll divulge into what science has to say about this mysterious phenomenon.

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What Does Science Say Déjà vu Is?

Déjà vu literally translates to “already seen”. We’ve explained the general definition for the phenomenon, but scientifically, it’s not quite as simple. Different scientists seem to have different views on what exactly it is and what causes it. Some believe that it is a memory that was stored in the unconscious and then brought back out, provoking the feeling of familiarity. In the same way, they also believe that perhaps an object or situation that had been repressed is now being brought into the open. Another psychological approach to this is that the power of suggestion can create this feeling in some. For instance, if you’re somewhere with somebody and they say to you, “doesn’t that look familiar?” you’re more apt to agree and feel as if it is familiar even if it actually is not.

With all psychological expertise aside and moving more towards nitty gritty plain old science, it is a very concrete belief that déjà vu is a type of glitch that occurs in the temporal lobe, and often occurs most frequently in those who experience seizures, or possess at least some of the brain anatomy required to create a seizure. Many scientists state that the duration in which one experiences déjà vu is dependent on this type of brain structure, and those who experience it for longer periods of time are more prone to seizures, and those who experience it far less are more likely not disposed to having temporal lobe seizures. Many who are firm believers in that also believe that it’s simply a misfire of certain neurons, creating a false sense of memory on account of an otherwise novel object or situation.

On the other hand, most spiritualists agree that experiencing déjà vu is something that happens when you endure a situation or see a certain object that held meaning to you in a past life. Most spiritualists also agree that experiencing déjà vu is a type of universal checkpoint, letting you know that you’re in the right place, at the right time, and doing the right thing. In other words, you’re on the right track that you’re supposed to be on.

Many experiments have been conducted since déjà vu came to light in more modern medicine and scientific settings, and the results remain ultimately inconclusive other than the fact that there is definitely some lights turning on in the temporal lobe area. Déjà vu is so unique because unlike most other types of phenomena, it’s not able to be provoked or brought out when a person is brought in to be studied. It has to occur naturally. Scientists can toy with certain areas of the brain in an attempt to bring it about, but in most situations, they are unsuccessful. In order to conduct these incredibly specific experiments in regards to déjà vu, they must incorporate tools such as 3D holograph technology and utilize theories such as mind over matter and the power of suggestion which we’ve already outlined in this article.

All in all, it’s very hard to tell what precisely brings on Déjà vu. It’s undoubtedly a very odd occurrence, but whether you believe the cold, hard, scientific facts, or you’ve taken a more spiritual or psychological approach to it, it is imperative to pay attention to it. Nothing in nature happens without purpose, and it is our job as humans to figure out what that purpose may be. Déjà vu is very important for some people who go through it in more ways than one. Oftentimes, it can be an opportunity to dive deeper into our pasts, or perhaps learn something from it and relate it to future events. Only you know what your déjà vu experiences mean to you, and we hope that through this article, you can understand the odd physiological phenomenon a little bit better.


A really interesting one, this. I agree that nothing happens without purpose, and cannot believe that science has the full answer. It might account for some people being more prone to feelings of deja vu, but doesn't explain the subject matter of that feeling.

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That's very interesting. Strangely, I used to experience deja vu quite a bit when i was younger but I rarely experience it nowadays. In fact, I can't remember the last time I felt it. hmmm.
Anyway, great post

I hope you experience one soon! :)

yeah me too haha