Thanks for the awesome feedback. I honestly didn't think about that. This monster is quite heavy at the moment so I am concerned about it popping out of the bucket.
Think I could maybe create a support system with some of the nearby pillars using some rope and wire to allow it to get into that cascade position and perhaps cut a shape into another bucket which I could then cover the other bucket with and then add more soil which should further weigh down on the trunk, adding more counter weight.
I really love the cascade idea. Initially, I didn't think it would be very much possible at the moment but, I'll definitely see what I can get going at the moment.
Will make for a cool follow up article. Thanks a million.
Bury the whole thing, pot and all, into a pile if it's wobbly.
Good luck taming the monster.
Thanks, I certainly need it. It's not wobbly as much as it is very heavy and lacking the support from most of the roots now being gone. I'll see what I can get done.
I have to go and collect a younger bougainvillea now which I completely forgot about. Can't remember the exact name of the species but, it's got that lovely pale grey/white wood with the soft pink flowers.