Dude, if the domestication of us by plants blows your mind you gotta read "Sapiens" by Yuval Noah Harari. His explanation of the magic of language shot a laser-focused beam of understanding straight into my brain.
I doubt I can do it justice here, but the short of it is magic spells are called spells because you spell them out, in the example he used, in order to create constructs we could use to expand our cooperative abilities, by way of legal contracts.
For instance, to make my point, God didn’t exist until someone wrote down who/what it is and began enforcing it’s will. In time enough “spells” were cast, that something that never existed on this earth before now held a physical presence in the form of monuments built to it, followers dedicated to it, assets it owned and controlled, and people generally willing to acknowledge and credit or blame it such that it became a real force and authority in the natural world.
Those 2 concepts changed how I see everything. I’m a multi-generational slave to the planet I live on and part of the dominant species of said planet. I’m a goddamn paradox and so are you. 🤣
God sounds strangely similar to a currency 😄
I will have to pick up this book!!
That was my example. He used corporations in his but it’s the same concept.