Trump / Jong-un's peace-brokering handshake - the ultimate bull flag? Some crypto good news. ETN IOS app will be ok

in #btc6 years ago

G'day folks!

My first attempt at a Steemit vlog, and only my second You Tube video ever. Yes I am really shit at it but give me a chance hopefully I will improve. Disclaimer of course I'm not a financial adviser, just a dickhead on the net. And i do swear a bit so if you are offended by cursing, do be warned going forward.

This video has taken me 6 hours to make. I'm such a newb! Trying to use my Sammy s8 and combine it with Quicktime player is killing me, I'cant connect my s8 to my mac at all, so downloading to google drive, then composing on imovie...ahh!! so time consuming!. the video was almost the easy part. Any tips in composing vids please feel free.

You know those cards you get from all your co workers when you leave a workplace for good, all their signatures and good wishes.. - well one in particular always stuck with me. It was from my boss, a good bloke, he said -

" do whatever it is, that people tell you that you can't do"

I admired that statement, and now by doing a blog on here and trying a few video's, I guess I am doing what others (and more-so, myself) said I couldn't do.

Anyway, It won't take long to realise I'm extremely nervous doing this video, feel free to speed it I won't be offended. But anyhow, I hope you can follow along ok. Cheers!

My youtube link -


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