New Habits Of Post-pandemic World

in #business7 months ago


It wasn't too long ago we lived in a different world. It was new, it was strange, it was something we never experienced before. It was pandemic. Unfortunately, we lost many because of Covid. Those were indeed the sad times. It showed how unprepared we were. I am not sure if we are prepared now. I am not even sure about how it started and what caused. Was the virus developed in the lab and a lab accident happened it, it just happened through some unknown natural phenomenon. Anyway, those days are gone. We have been back to normal for a couple of years now. One of the negatives after pandemic has been the crazy inflation, and we are still facing the consequences. We also have developed new habits in personal lives and professional settings. Really good habits. That is what I would like to talk about today.

Due to the pandemic we have experienced massive lay offs, stay home rules, limited travels, businesses shutting down. This time created an opportunity for many to reevaluate their lives, rethink about their careers, and ponder upon things that matter the most. We have come to realization that time spent with friends and family is precious, we have come to realizing that we have many different career and employment options, and don't have to settle what has been working in the years before.

People attitude to work has changed. Some found a new freedom of working as independent contractors, and gig economy has become a bigger part of overall economies. Today even though there are many regular employment options, some people choose to work independently for themselves and having full control of their schedules. Some utilize app based companies like Uber, Lyft, Amazon deliveries, etc. Some become small business owners and run AirBNBs and other services. Recently I have learnt that there are multiple temporary jobs apps as well. People can sign up and choose various temporary jobs as they would like and the times they prefer, and they get paid faster than working a regular job.

Some people choose to learn new skills and knowledge during pandemic with ambitions of changing careers and were able to do so. Even those who went back to their old work places, came to realization that they can ask for more pay, they can negotiate better work conditions, and they can go for promotions, all while keeping all options open and understanding there are many more opportunities in the world. And it is not the end of the world to lose a job, or leave one. After all many of these didn't even hesitate to lay off their long term dedicated employees when pandemic started. There were companies who operated at loss but committed to take care of their employees during pandemic. They kept the employed, or provided financial assistance. But most didn't. Because they don't care. It is just business, it just about money. But when things were going well, all leaders in all of these companies continuously motivated their employees praising how important they are. But they all were empty speeches, and lies. Most of them don't care and don't really have control over how things go. Especially when pandemic happens. No business, no money, can't pay. I guess it's ok.

It is also ok for people to get their own priorities right. There will always be jobs, there will always be opportunities. We don't have to rely on one. Now this new found realization changed how people think about their jobs. This doesn't make them less productive, or make them care less. No, it just means that we understand that work is the most important thing in life. It may be one of the important things. So, people found new meaning in spending more time with family and friends, spending more time on things like the most. It is a great thing. It facilitates healthy relationships, it empowers creativity, and makes society and businesses operate in a more meaningful way.

Businesses have changed how they operate as well. Remote and hybrid type of works became a norm. Even those businesses that never experimented with remote or hybrid work before, embraced them. Used to be only certain types of works allowed their employees work remote, but now almost all businesses offer such options if the position doesn't require the employee to be present on site. Those who can't offer remote option, offer hybrid options, where employees can work 2-3 days a week remote from home, and 2-3 days at the workplace. Both employees and businesses have come to realization that remote work is as productive if not more. In some areas this may actually be more efficient and cost saving.

What makes remote work possible is of course the technology and tools we have. Today we have the best of the computers, super fast internet services, and apps like Teams and Zoom that help with online meetings and collaborations. There is no shortage of tools to make this process productive, effective and efficient. These tools are not only used for video conferencing. They became default tools for all kinds of communications, document sharing and collaborations. Some companies even got rid of their landline phones and chose to move to phone lines on Teams which can be used anywhere. These tools are keep getting better, and continue improving.

Even in workplaces online meetings became a preferred way of conferencing and collaborating with teams and employees. Conference rooms are rarely used. People schedule Teams and/or Zoom meetings instead. This more convenient for everybody and actually makes collaboration more productive. People don't have to waste time walking to/from conference rooms, they can be ready in their offices, at their desks in no time for the online meetings where they have all the things they need work related. Even more team members can join these meetings, since the meetings are not limited to the space available. Even teams from other branches, other locations, other countries can join the meetings with ease and conduct businesses in a new better fashion.

These are just some of the new positive habits we have developed during pandemic, which turns out to be super useful. I am sure there are many more new habits we today that we didn't have before. Let me know your thoughts in the comments.


Many of us learned new skills, got divorced or separated from toxic partners, and started over. I think it was in a way a reboot for a lot of folks.

That happened too…

The losses and the ugliness that came about also brought up new things that were better than what was before.

I love the online meetings and not having to travel to clients. Makes the day much more productive. Definately a pro for me :)

I was able to take a remote job that was not offered as a remote position originally. Now it's all over the place.

Yes, Covid certainly changed many lives. I am saddened to see so many businesses closed during that time and many people were left without a hope or a future but I believe that there were others who took the bull by the horns and made something out of their lives. Sad also, that many lives were lost during this time. But to those who made new lives for themselves I say well done - and may those who suffered loss know that "when one door closes - another one opens"

I was one of the "door closes/window opens" types. Some travails in the meantime, but overall a good outcome in the end. Shedding of old ways, if you will.

One thing i love about post pandemic is the work from home set up that some companies still adopt despite the pandemic gone. Or the rampant use of online meeting sites like zoom. It makes life easier in my opinion.

From this part of the world, people doubted the validity of the virus
Is it true? Or is it one of the government scams? They asked.

I do not blame that question.
Staring death in the eyes, make people ask many questions. Stupid ones too.

The pandemic was a good and bad thing. It destroyed some humans, and helped others to grow. The internet would not flood with as much people, if not for the pandemic.

New things have been discovered. The average man don't want a 9 to 5 job no more as he has seen the wonderful nature of the internet and what it has to offer.

Wether this virus was a weapon or not, is not yet known but then, a part of me is grateful for everything that happened.

Yes indeed, I think it became evident to many that being enslaved by a job that paid very little and robbed us of our time is not what any of us want anymore. Now more than ever, as cost of living has gone up. People are finding more creative ways to generate income. And good for them! Good for all of us. Corporate can kick rocks.

The true human nature is becoming obvious as the year runs by. We can adapt and grow in any situation we find ourselves. This is why I am very happy.
We move, meet an obstacle,learn new things then cross that obstacle to meet a bigger obstacle which we will cross.
Its truely amazing

It really has been a gift. I plan to be fully remote and unencumbered by "job" within three years. Doing only what I love. Having my needs met. Thanks to COVID for teaching us the way.


I plan to be fully remote

I like this plan of yours. That's actually me.

Yeah, all thanks to COVID. Hehe.

I was thinking of moving out to Costa Rica at some point to join the others. I hear it's not bad. Not bad at all.

Costa Rica is not a bad place to stay..

I guess you're they type that prioritize your space more than anything

The pandemic had also bring a massive change in our country and now we're trying to get things as they where before just like in our education system and I do think that many countries also have this kind of issues as well

Pandemic has change the shopping habits. Now e-wallet is so popular, using less cash !

That is so true.

A strong shift away from fiat.

Pandemic literally prove the saying "when one door closes, another one opens". a lot of business has closed during pandemic but a lot of new businesses has also open.

The pandemic reshaped our lives, highlighting the value of family time, remote work, and the gig economy. Then, when it happened, only those who worked from home enjoyed their stay at home and it allowed us spend more time with our friends and family. But it wasn't something I would want to happen again because it was not helping everyone.

I think that one of the most important gains for a worker after pandemic is remote working, despite some companies came back to regular working type. However, due to the inflation you mentioned, the purchasing power of our salaries are not as strong as pre-pandemic era.

It does feel like a life time ago when the world was shut down. But it did usher in some big changes like realizing you shouldn't be working all your life or 40 hour weeks and instead focus on family and community along with the massive ability to work remote jobs. Good changes I believe!

I do think that was the biggest take away for most people. Realizing we were not meant to be corporate slaves, and there is a better way, and starting side hustles and businesses to generate income and make our lives more meaningful.

The pandemic came in a very difficult way, but it brought some positive changes, even though the negative changes overshadow them because they were just too much
Working from home since the pandemic is something that I have been able to benefit from and it even helped me realize how beautiful it is to spend time with one’s family!

We survived the pandemic. Sometimes it feels absurd. I still remember those sad times, lost some closest, best people.

On my end, the working settings is back to how it was before pandemic. Back to office building. Some companies just values offline meeting better than online. I don't know if that's good thing or not. I think working from Home is the best tho. As long as we still capable to maintain the quality of the job done.

There are benefits for both. It is about finding a good balance.

Here in Canada the idea of Remote work, or “working” from home is quickly coming to an end as Senior Management is forced to be at the office from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm … Since Executives are being told they need to be in the Office between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm they are also asking all workers, even those who used to work from home before the Pandemic to be in the office 8 hours a day, every day unless they call in sick. There is no flexibility. If people don’t like it they are told to find another job.

Unfortunately, some don't learn and see benefits. This seems to be the opposite of what I am seeing. Good thing is these people will find better jobs with better options.

After 5 years of people working from Home here in Canada , the Executive Suite wants everyone back in the Office. No exceptions. No excuses. In the office, chained to your Desk and computer, no washroom breaks, 15 minutes allowed for a working lunch, Everyone must sign in at 7:00 am or earlier and sign out at 5:00 pm or work until midnight of you want to ever be considered for a promotion. No overtime pay, no bonus pay, no raises, no vacations. Ever. This is life in Canada now. Thanks to Trudeau.

If there's anything I value is how the pandemic taught me to prioritize time with loved ones over work. A life lesson I can't ever forget

I am one of those who took the benefit of the pandemic season. I was able to learn how to trade cryptocurrency even though I am not fully based in it right now.
Also, a lot of people began to engage in remote jobs right now and they didn’t really feel it that much when they got fired at work due to the inflation…
The pandemic was bad but brought out some good habits in us

A lot has changed since the pandemic, but things have quickly returned to normal. The epidemic was really terrible. Experts say more epidemics are likely to come. These epidemics hit the economy hard so we don't want this again.

It is a fact that it has never happened in the world before that the world has been shut down due to Corona so we are getting to see such things which we have already seen in our life. We have been and our experience is different from other people.

The pandemic really had lots of effects on me, both positive and negative. The most prominent one is the fact that it made me realise myself, it helped me discover what I am capable of

I wish I could have a remote job... Unfortunately Italy is an old-minded country: if you are not closed between four walls that are not your house, it means you're not working.

And I hate so much losing precious time just to drive to/from work 😡

Change can be daunting, but it's also an opportunity for growth and discovery. Embracing the unknown opens doors to new possibilities!