Wayan and the Weevils - To Tell a Tale #9

in #busy6 years ago


One day a family of weevils were enjoying life in their new home which was a big sack of juicy rice. Suddenly the bag was picked up by Wayan. “He’s stealing our home” said the weevils. So they all reached through the bag and grabbed Wayan by the hair to teach him a lesson. Wayan tried to drop the sack but it was stuck fast. Try as he might, the weevils would not let go. Humiliated, Wayan had to carry the sack for the next month until his hair was long enough to cut himself free.


@markkennard loved your unique take on interpretation of image. Hail Weevils! Unity will prevail.
Thank you for your participation in TTT#9 contest. Cheers- @dpatcher

Bahaha! Hail weevils unity will prevail. I was considering a take on that when I wrote the story but couldn’t fit it in the 100 word limit. I was going to go along the lines of them all holding hands. It’s actually quite a difficult task to write a story in under 100 words. Thanks for holding the competition as I really enjoyed it. Cheers @dpatcher

I know, 100 words limit is too less for some contests. I am flexible while judging a entry. Normally as a standard, words like - is, am, the, a etc are not counted as a word in a story. So I do have flexibility of word count and allow 20% more including all the words mentioned above.
I am also considering to increase word limit in coming contest. Cheers- @dpatcher