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RE: I'm Going To Tell You How To Grow Steem

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

Anyone with experience in Training, Coaching, Managing, Parenting will understand that this is a known method of getting what you want from other people.

This is a false comparison though. If it was the same users we keep flagging, they will either change behaviour to be good, or disappear, much like your analogy.

But we're not doing that. We're flagging new users every time. We face this in SteemSTEM every day. People from Indonesia don't scour the platform taking note of how many of their plagiarising kin are getting flagged and learn a lesson from it. They don't have time for that, they want money.

They sign up, they plagiarise, they get caught. Then they make a new account and act smarter, and intelligent plagiarising evolves over time (as we have been observing). OR, the new users are oblivious to such things and keep committing the same basic crimes.

Only when every person on earth is actively using the platform can we expect the analogy to play out, thus, something more needs to be done than simply positive reinforcement.

One idea is to simply let it happen, at least to some degree, while creating enough incentive to focus only on legit content. I wrote a comment on Facebook 200 people liked in a few hours and I got 3 chat bots add me in the same period. They're ubiquitous there but largely ignored.

More specifically, one concept I had a while back that went ignored was to incentivise whales to work with curation teams rather than direct-to-upvote bots.

Offer a premium, larger vote on top of the curation team's trail, for a weekly sum, but only content that passes the manually curated guidelines will get those rewards. If one doesn't pass, they have 6 more days to figure it out and correct themselves to the guidelines.

This way we:

  • Cut off the incentive for a quick buck through blind promotional services
  • Give whales a reason to do honest good that everyone approves of while still getting a good ROI
  • cut the air from shit while pumping oxygen into good content.

If we can grow curation teams beyond SteemSTEM and OCD, and grow smaller niche teams that support music and arts, photography, travel or whatever, this place wouldd be a damn sight better, and it doesn't even require some overhauling of hardforks, just a change in where one throws their money.


Sure as I mentioned there are some it will not work with, there are always outliers and rebels.

Right up front I said.. it will not work for everyone.

These people ly and steal money, because are already allowing it to happen. I don't think we can or should try to catch every one of them, but we absolutely should make it hard.

I don't know if other stakeholders want to fund the scammers and Haejin, but I am about done having my stake devalued.

Ah yeah I must missed that. I'm a lazy reader lately. But yeah the motion stands. To make it hard, we gotta use a stockpile of weapons against them. Positive reinforcement, negative, punishment and extinction, among other things. I really feel if curation efforts had more emphasis, this would be so much easier