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RE: Why I'm In Favor Of Witness Vote Decay

in #busy5 years ago (edited)

It's a type of vote decay with x time and 100% decay. Both have their plus and minus. I prefer gradual vote decay.

Edit: Is that the post you're talking about because if so you're the only top witness who commented there?


Yes, as I recall, only @blocktrades and @timcliff commented on this publicly from the top 20. In reality more than a few of the top 20 literally never post on the blockchain at all.

IIRC, he posted several related posts, so I'm probably thinking of another one. There's also been discussions in slack, etc, so it's easy for me to get mixed up when I heard what, but I think most witnesses are familiar with the concepts from previous discussions.

I expect some kind of change will be made to address the potential for voters dying or losing keys at some point, but my guess is that it's not on the immediate radar for change (I'm not even sure yet that the curation changes are, and those are a pretty pressing concern, IMO).