Coinbase and Steem, Everyone is talking about it... Contest with Prizes

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

Alright Everyone,

We've edited Ned's Hair on everything, we made "Make Steem 8 Again", nearly viral.. and especially funny.

This week we are going to work with @timcliff and @therealwolf and we are going to make some noise.

To get noticed by #coinbase.

Make a Meme, Write a Story, Sing a Love Song, Make a vlog, do a statistical worksheet on the topic of:

Coinbase should add Steem.

Make it funny, dank, serious, sappy or silly. It doesn't matter we just need to make some noise.

At least 20 Steem will be given out one week from now. I will be asking others to upvote the tag


Make a post for your entry and add the link in the comments, let's make this the biggest contest yet!

For my contest, please use the tag #coinbaseandsteem

For other actions you can take see the posts below.

therealwolf's post is here

And Timcliff's post here.

Don't let their seriousness stop you though, we can make this fun, dank, mock ourselves in the process.



Love this contest...
At the money moment I don't have too much time to write an article... So I will comment with an old post of mine.
tradingview-graph-banana2 (1).jpg

STEEM price analysis! The Banana Pattern

Seems like bananas 1-3 have been taking forever!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yeah... we have flat banana at the moment.

Did we hit the banana bottom yet?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Good Madam, my entry into your contest. please and thank you!

I do like it! Thanks for playing along!


Lol I love these kinds of contest I simply couldn't resist. here is my entry -


Very very nice idea... This is my contribution :))

Sweet initiative whatup. My mind tends to see patterns. I found this page on coinbase a few days ago. And immediately thought. wait, they keep MYSQL on each coin and each user. They probably even coded a graph, to see most popular coins. I can't confirm that, but i give it a % probability.

christmas-3485296_1280 (1).jpg


Ale Ale Ale Ale Steem

This one is fun!

As long as people don't want to buy steem it doesn't matter on how many exchanges they list it.

How many new accounts were created after HF20 which supposed to solve the sign-up issue?

I want to buy Steem!

By being listed on Coinbase... We are in the eyesight of people who are actually putting money in.

Most people have no idea regarding the problems and battles in other crypto projects. We know because we are here every day.

arcange does a daily report of current activity...

Not many are signing up. Let's get Steem in the hand of people who actually have a little money.

Let's get Steem in the hand of people who actually have a little money.

Steem already is on Binance, the biggest exchange so that isn't the problem.
No one wants to to buy Steem, why? Because it's stake based system, the wealth that is put in is sucked out by those who mined their stake early or posted a lot in the early days. They vote for themselves, their circle, alt accounts and rest goes voting power goes to bid bots. The actual content creators are left with pennies or few dollars and they'll leave soon after. Most won't even bother to join, hence the statistics.

So no matter what exchanges Steem gets put into, it won't matter. I'm starting to believe Steem is a failure. Flawed from the start.

The Binance wallets have been down since the blockchain froze prior to HF20.

I don't think you can claim to know who wants to buy Steem and who doesn't and for what reasons.

Another know it all in a brand new account who is either afraid to say what you think under your main account or trying to scam the system.

Either way, yeah, we haven't recruited a very good set of end users, as we have been focused on onboarding poverty.

Please don't try to make points and make HUGE and unverifiable claims at the same time.

Dude, either your in denial or you've not been using Steem actively. Do realize that your experience differs wildly from those who view Steem for outside or are even brave enough to join. Perhaps to open your eyes to reality, try creating an account and trying to "make it" here. By making it here, I mean gaining over 10 organic comments that aren't by bots, aren't begging for follows or are there just in hopes of an upvote in a week.

There have been good end users, and they have joined and left. Retention numbers speak for themselves, but the circle jerking continues onwards with full steam.

What some(all) Steem preachers here need to do is step out of their self created bubbles for once, ask why people are leaving, why are they not joining in the first place? It's a good place to start to start from.

But yeah, the problem is that not enough exchanges have Steem :) Ask around or keep just keep preaching to the choir to feel good.

You are projecting your own view and while I obviously think we have a lot of problems, so do most crypto projects.

As long as you claim to have magical powers to view and relate other's motives it is impossible to take you seriously.

So as I guessed, you're not ready to actually experience Steem as a newcomer and see the truth for yourself. Funny, how "everything is fine" is being repeated time after time again by Steem preachers, yet ordinary people, who we need to attract are complaining. What gives? And sadly I don't have any magical powers, I just use Steem a lot, have been for years, seen the complaints, as I interact with smaller fish mainly, and see how Steem preachers just keep repeating "everything is fine" while their own head is in the sand. That's not magic, that's just reality.

Even better view is gotten from people who have seen Steem but decided not to join, go ask around how they feel. They're the majority, after all, aren't we one of the few places monetizing content, yet we're having troubles attracting any serious ones or keeping them. Yep, we just need coinbase and everything is fine.

Let's repeat the mantra.


I have made a lot of anon accounts for people and all the people I give them to are alternative thinkers, BUT its just still too early and they don't see the use case for it yet- oh plus the main problem is - we are forgetting that people who live outside of the system, don't even use Tech! And we are the ones who ARE the usecase for cryptos as we are not registering or using banks etc..

Im not the serious type so il be making a meme for this one 😅. Better get my thinking cap on!

It would take me a year to even make a meme!

Aww yeah...this should be Great!!

Great contest just like bananaprogram. I will take part and let spread every where just like Ned's hair.

Posted using Partiko Android

Its just got to happen! If not this year, then next for sure.. And if not then FCK* coinbase! Invest in BNB coins lol :)

Seriously though... STEEM is really going places, I'm seeing it all getting smooth out with dapps and devs are all awesome! Sooner or later they will have to list Steem! Resteemed for some other eyes to read again :)

Deal! Certainly, this is gonna be massive and trending even more than "make steem 8 again". I'm game for this!

Posted using Partiko Android

Ha, great meme. Love the push on coinbase.. did my bit by starring but I'm not on any other social media to speak of.. steeming on only!

Posted using Partiko Android

Need to get steem on the Ethos wallet too.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Steem and Coinbase... So hot right now!! 🤣

Posted using Partiko iOS

This is beautiful. Getting Steem listed on coinbase is certainly a plus for us.

You got a 7.53% upvote from @booster courtesy of @whatsup!


You can earn a passive income from our service by delegating your stake in SteemPower to @booster. We'll be sharing 100% Liquid tokens automatically between all our delegators every time a wallet has accumulated 1K STEEM or SBD.
Quick Delegation: 1000| 2500 | 5000 | 10000 | 20000 | 50000

I like such fun contest. Thanks for bringing such contest. I definitely participate in it. In coming day every where will be coinbase+steem.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @whatsup!

Your post was upvoted by @steem-ua, new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation!
Your UA account score is currently 6.195 which ranks you at #237 across all Steem accounts.
Your rank has improved 1 places in the last three days (old rank 238).

In our last Algorithmic Curation Round, consisting of 324 contributions, your post is ranked at #189.

Evaluation of your UA score:
  • You've built up a nice network.
  • The readers appreciate your great work!
  • Try to work on user engagement: the more people that interact with you via the comments, the higher your UA score!

Feel free to join our @steem-ua Discord server

Just for fun... no time for a post, sorry ;-)