8/3/17 Warren! You are such a Buffoon! BRK.B

in #bye7 years ago

I figger a move to 179.00 will set Wareen "the" Buffoon up for another move to a potential bankruptcy filing, just like back in 2008. That's when Hank "uncle fester" Paulson and Little Timmy Geithner stepped in and gave him a sweatheart of a deal on the backs of your kids and grand kids. You are losing your touch Warren, as I suspect we will find out tonight during the GRRREAT errrnuns news out of the berkshire dynamic duo.

BRK.B now at 178.65..."live!"



amazing post

Thanks. Very true also. If you want to see an AMaZiNg post check out my blog on AMaZoN. :-)

Gonna bump this limit to short up to 179.50.

8/4/17 update: BRK.B last two trades in premarket at 179.70. I will log that numba in as my starting price.

9/7/17 2:44 PM: Poor Warren, getting his ass kicked and deservedly so. Still...do you "really" want to be short ANY finan(shill) stock with intrust rates about to rise? I didn't think so. BRK.B is going to trade belowst today's 172.61 low but I will exit at 173.00. Now at 173.13..."live!" The upside target to reshort is 181.00 so i will leave a GTC limit to short open but BRK.B won't get there for awhile. You watching me, @cantfightthefed? "The" Buffoon! I'm kicking his fukkin ass! Just like I did with you during our little trading competition.


9/18/17 update: Limit to get back in and crush Warren "the" Buffoon via a short at 181.00 was filt...leaving dummas @cantfightthefed to wonder >>> "How does Joe ...JUST Joe always know what is going to happen next?! I wish I wuz 1/100th as GOOG as he is...but nonetheless, I'm just a dummass." :O