
Well, I followed you back, you smooth talking little newby! Nice form! And nice hobby. I am in Idaho, I won't be able to compliment your work but I will admire from afar. I am fighting for just medical, just f@cking supervised medical in my state, and we are losing. I keep my nose clean and lay low on my opinion on "recreational" (I am a voluntaryist...) but it makes me very angry that epileptic children are suffering in this state over "Reefer Madness" based nonsense.

Oh for sure we grew some CBD strains a few months ago for that reason, So many medicinal uses especially epilepsy and multiple sclerosis which my father suffers from. Idaho sounds Un-progressive lol but then again a lot of states are not going to miss out on a multi billion dollar industry so give it time and hopefully cooler heads prevail. Be blessed