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RE: Over Do Thank You!! Canna-C

in #cannacurate4 years ago

Me personally I love to see personality in a post. I don’t give a shit about grammar nor word count. It’s all about people. What turns me off, is if a person who posts a lot, and I never ever see them reach out to nobody else’s posts. I usually just end up ignoring them, And believe I know who comments or don’t.


You know...

I have been on the Blockchain since 2017. Had to unplug for about a year after my Multiple Sclerosis kicked in... I'm at that stage again, as well as many other health issues... but it's ALWAYS been about helping, and community with me.

I was super fortunate to join forces with those at #theterminal and consider them ALL family...

You are right... real people my friends...

Hard to come across, but easy to spot. :)

Except for GINA 😂

To comment twice or not to comment twice, that is the question!

I guess whales think this is a big deal lol the 1 or 2 comment scheme.

F the grammar nazi's! (Did the ' trigger you? Then you ARE one of them!)

You never hear me say "you don't know what 12x12 is? What, did you flunk 4 grade?" Or chastise you because you put the comma in the wrong place when writing a number. Or shame you because your math is wrong.

I never understood this "superiority" attitude or need to correct people. Some people have grammar brains some have math or art or other types. That's just how Humans work. And the Spelling world has so many stupid conflicting rules "I before E, sometimes Y". F-it. I gave up caring about it in the 7th grade.

Try correcting one of these people the next time they get their math wrong and watch the fireworks.

All I care about is if I have communicated my thoughts successfully.

Was I successful?

Whoa my friends...

I understood your comment @meanbees! It was a comical approach to my post comment 🙂

I remember in my younger days, it was... "bottom of your feet!" focusing on holding that hit lol. Please let's keep that positive energy going dear friends. I appreciate all of you...

Very mucjh so! One thing I think people tend to forget, is this place also attracts people who never planned to write in their life! I for one never thought I would ever write again, till I joined 2 years ago, then eventually I did start to write a few paragraphs here and there. There needs to be more compassion to these platforms IMO